Crabapple Blossom Festival of Tianjin University is around the corner. During the Festival, Tianjin University will open to the public from April 4 to April 10. During this period, Tianjin University will be open to the public, including students, teachers, parents, alumni and people from all walks of life. Tourists can gain entry to the campus through reservation system of the University’s official WeChat account.

Open Day of the Crabapple Blossom Festival falls on April 5 this year. On the Open Day, a wide array of activities will be in full swing, which adds leaven to vigorous campus life.

The theme of this year’s Festival is “Reunion at Crabapple Flowers Blooming”. At the Open Day, four tour routes are designed on the Weijin Road Campus and the Peiyangyuan Campus, namely, “Deep affection for the Nation and Family”, “Together for a Shared Future”, “Keeping Cultural Heritage Alive”, and “Voices of Spring at TJU”.

For best viewing, tourists had better appreciate crabapple blossoms in early April on Weijin Road Campus and mid-April on Peiyangyuan Campus. Parents, alumni and citizens can gain access to the specific areas during suitable time slots to experience enchanting charm of the Spring.

On Weijin Road Campus, there are more than 800 crabapple trees including the midget crabapple, Filamental Flowering Crabapple, and iron-legged crabapple, among others, which mostly concentrate on both sides of Mingde Road. Most of the crabapple trees are about 40 years old, and the trees near the Water Conservancy Hall are about 70 years old.

On Peiyangyuan Campus, crabapple trees are planted in the Crabapple Tree Embankment on the north shore of the center island, with more than 1300 trees of 16 varieties, such as Red Jewel Crabapple, Prairie Fire Crabapple, Royal Raindrops Crabapple, and Spring Snow Crabapple, among others. The embankment is blooming with flowers in profuse colors, including pink, red, and white. Besides, there are about 1,000 trees under cultivation. In addition to the Crabapple Tree Embankment, the front area of the campus and the courtyard of Zheng Dong Library are planted the largest scale of crabapple trees.

Welcome to enjoy Crabapple Blossom Festival. Flowers and trees unveil the beauty of spring. To protect the beauty of spring together, during the open day, it’s better to enter the campus without cars, take care for flowers and trees, and abide by the rules of campus.
Welcome to appreciate the beautiful flowering crabapple blossoms and look forward to meeting you again on campus.
By Cheng Cheng, Xiong Gongcheng
Editor: Sun Xiaofang