Tianjin University has been one of the leaders in cultivating international students in China since 1954. To vividly showcase the 70-year journey and fruitful achievements of our university's international education, we are holding three exclusive collection activities in celebration of the 70th anniversary: Logo Design, Cultural and Creative Works, and Old Photos and Videos. We sincerely invite all faculty, students, alumni, and members of the community to actively participate.Let us use words, graphics, and colors to paint the struggles and growth of these 70 years!

Logo Design Collection
70th Anniversary Logo for International Education
1、The content should be positive and innovative, rich in symbolic meaning and fully reflect the characteristics of our university's international education;
2、The design should be clear, concise, easily recognizable, aesthetically pleasing, and creative;
3、The design can be hand-drawn or computer-generated and must include vector images and the fonts used. Please provide a description of the image, including the inspiration, meaning, explanation of the work, sources (if any), your college, name, and valid contact information.
Submission Requirements:
Logo design proposals must be submitted as electronic design drawings (including source files, vector images; also provide JPG format, not less than 3M),along with brief explanations of the design concepts (within 300 words).

Cultural and Creative Works Collection
All types of cultural and creative works related to Tianjin University's 70th anniversary of international education.
1、The works should have positive meanings, simple designs, strong aesthetics, and incorporate symbolism, artistry, and practicality, reflecting the characteristics of Tianjin University's international education.
2、The design works should be feasible for production and practical in use.
Submission Requirements:
Cultural and creative works design proposals should be submitted as completed images. Please submit one copy of the project file and one copy of the design in JPG format, with the actual sizes and a resolution of at least 300dpi. The description of the work should be in PDF format, including but not limited to hand-drawn, PS design, etc. Attach a design explanation, including the name, pattern, production size of each part (unit: mm), and briefly describe the design concept and the meaning of the work in words (within 300 words).

Old Photos and Videos Collection
Old photos and videos related to Tianjin University's international education.
1. The photos and videos should have been taken before the year 2010;
2. They can be works taken by international student alumni of Tianjin University or works with international students or alumni as the main characters.
Submission Requirements:
Old photos should not be spliced and or undergo any technical processing that changes the original image. The adjustment of color contrast, saturation, grayscale, etc., should be within the range that does not affect the authenticity of the work. There are no restrictions on the format and genre of old videos. They should be in MOV or MP4 format without adding any watermarks or marks.Submitted works should include a title and video description.
Collection Period:
March 20, 2024 – April 30, 2024
Eligible Participants:
All current students, faculty, alumni, and individuals related to Tianjin University's international education.
Special awards, first prize, second prize, third prize, and commemorative awards will be awarded for the logo design and cultural and creative works collection activities.
All excellent works from the above collection activities will be promoted on domestic and overseas social media platforms.
1.All works must be original, and plagiarism of others' designs is strictly prohibited. The author shall bear any responsibility for acts of plagiarism or infringement.
2.Submissions can be made either individually or collectively, with a maximum of three submissions per author per activity. Whether selected or not, submissions will not be returned, so authors should keep their drafts.
3.Submissions should be sent via email (as compressed attachments) to xgb_sie@tju.edu.cn with the email subject titled "70th Anniversary Collection Activity + Name + Student ID." The author's name, student ID, college, mobile contact information, and WeChat contact information must be clearly stated in the email body. If there are any modifications to the design, please specify the replacement content.
4.Submission deadline: April 30, 2024. Please submit your works before the deadline.
5.The final interpretation of all works belongs to Tianjin University.
For further information, please visit:
By School of International Education
Editor: Sun Xiaofang