On Oct 11st. 2017, the Chemcomm symposium was co-hosted by Chemcomm (a peer-reviewed scientific journal of the RSC), the process research institute in Chinese Academy Of Sciences, Tianjin University, and Dalian’s physical chemistry research institute of CAS. Professor and associate dean of the School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Gong Jinlong, served as chairman of the conference. Many experts and scholars at home and abroad came to attend and discuss the most recent progress and trends in the energy science field together with the various interdisciplinary research in other areas such as new materials, nanotechnology, photocatalysis, and the conversion of carbon dioxide, photonics, and biotechnology.

Prof. Gong and the subeditor of RSC, Jeanne Andres, delivered a brief introduction to the symposium and offered their sincere welcome to all teachers and students. They held the view that with the close relationship between life and chemistry, this seminar would aim to discuss sustainable energy and science, and try to promote the cultivation and development of future leading talents.
Nine speakers showed their latest research achievements in order after that. First of all, Buxing Han from CAS introduced his research on how biomass and carbon dioxide could be turned into high-value-added products. Then Serena Corr, from the University of Glasgow, introduced a compound of new energy storage materials. Fangyi Cheng, from Nankai University, talked about rechargeable metal-CO2 batteries at room temperature and Douglas Macfarlane, from Monash University, addressed the audience at the end of the morning about the application of an ionic liquid in energy transformation.
After the poster exhibition at noon, Fei Wei, from Tsinghua University, Amy Prieto, from Cororado State University, Xinchen Wang, from Fuzhou University, Daniel Gamelin, from University of Washington, and Nanfeng Zheng, from Xiamen University respectively shared the structural control and application of carbon materials, the application of resourceful and cheap elements’ electo-deposition in rechargeable batteries, the use of C3N4 in the water splitting process, and titanium dioxide and surface science of nano-catalysts.
At the end of the conference, Prof. Gong and Mr. Jeanne Andres declared the meeting closed and awarded prizes and certificates to the three winners of the Excellence in Poster Making awards.
This symposium not only broadened our horizons in the sustainable environmental energy field and promotes communication and advancement, but also represents the further internationalization of Tianjin University.
By: School of Chemical Engineering and Technology
Editors: Qin Mian and Christopher Peter Clarke