On the morning of Nov. 7th, Feng Cuiling, the Party Secretary of the School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (SPST) in Tianjin University, delivered a report titled “Communicate, Study and Implement the Spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress” to all faculty members of Health Science Platform (SPST&SLS). The attendees including faculty members, students, and approximately 20 international teachers. The 19th CPC National Congress started on October 18th, 2017 and lasted for seven days. Ms. Feng was a delegate to the Congress.

Feng’s report started with a general introduction of the Party Congress, the description and the principal spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress. She introduced how the Congress was convened, as well as its powers, functions, and history. Then she explained the selection of the 19th National Congress delegates, the preparation of Congressional report and the spectacular atmosphere during the Congress.
Feng passionately shared her feeling of attending the Congress with the HSP faculty members and students. She said she still vividly remembered when General Secretary Xi Jinping announced that "China has achieved a tremendous transformation”, “it has stood up, grown rich and become strong" and unveiled a two-stage plan to make China "a great modern socialist country" by the mid-21st century.

What General Secretary Xi said impressed Feng, and a sense of pride swelled within her heart. The congress was solemn, momentous, and harmonious and it was held frugally and successfully. As the Party Secretary of the SPST, Feng said that during the studies and discussions of the Congress, she felt honored as well as a strong sense of responsibility. The report focused on the essential spirit of the 19th National Congress. She made clear the theme of the Congress to the audience that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era after the historical changes over the past five years, and the principal contradiction of Chinese society has evolved. She also illustrated the historic mission and goals of CPC and expounded on Xi’s thoughts, 14-point Basic Policy, strategic vision, and hopes for today’s youth to develop socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era.
Feng's report was of great significance, and it brought crucial information of the 19th CPC National Congress to the faculty, especially the foreign faculty members and students. With this report teachers know more in-depth about the Congress of the CPC, present condition of society, Party’s policy, developing a plan of China and the mission in the future. They expressed the determinism to work hard to implement the great spirit of the Congress and strive for the realization of the great rejuvenation of Chinese dream.
By: Wang Zixin, English News Work Team, SPST
Editors: Liu Yuan, Qin Mian and Keith Harrington