The Second International Workshop on Origami Engineering was held from November 6 to 8 at Tianjin University. Special reports were given by eleven experts from the USA, the UK, Germany, Australia, Japan, South Korea and China, covering various aspects of origami engineering, namely, arts, mathematics, physics, mechanisms, civil engineering and metamaterials. The Workshop attracted about 150 academic researchers from 30 scientific research institutions to exchange information and their research experience in this cutting-edge subject.

Professor Wang Shuxin, Vice President of Tianjin University gave the opening speech in which he briefly introduced the current development of origami engineering mechanics. Professor Glaucio H. Paulino from the Georgia Institute of Technology gave a report, “Origami Engineering: from Deployable Structures to Configurational Metamaterials”. Professor Zhong You from Oxford University described the latest achievements in origami metamaterials. Professor Larry Howell from Brigham Young University gave his speech on “Modeling, Design, and Application of Origami-Based Engineering Systems: How Origami-Based Engineering Can Impact our World”.

Dr. Chang Wenwu, an expert in origami mathematics and education from Shanghai, shared with the audience his view of the application of origami in education. Professor Kyu-Jin Cho from Seoul National University reported on “Origami Wheel Transformer: A Variable-Diameter Wheel Drive Robot Using an Origami Structure”. Professor Ichiro Hagiwara, the originator of origami engineering in Japan, explained current issues of industrialization in origami engineering. Dr. Mark Bolitho, origami artist and Former Chair of the British Origami Society, explained creative origami methodologies from the aspect of art and aesthetics. Professor Chen Yan from Tianjin University threw light on the future development of rigid origami. Reports delivered at the Workshop combined theory with practice, initiating lively discussions between the speakers and the attendees.
To enhance the academic communication in the field of origami engineering, the Workshop set a panel display session. Ke Liu from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Jeff Lee from Tianjin University and Larissa Simoes Novelino from the Georgia Institute of Technology won the top three awards in this session.

With the companion of Tianjin University’s research group, the attendees visited Motion Structure Laboratory during the Workshop. Professor Zhong You called for attendees to participate in the 7th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education which will be held at Oxford University next year. Professor Paulino from Georgia Institute of Technology and Professor Guoxing Lu from Swinburne University of Technology will hold the 3rd and the 4th International Workshop on Origami Engineering respectively.
By: He Xiaowei, Xu Hui
Editors: Sun Xiaofang and Ross Colquhoun