You may have heard that spring in the North of China is too short, blowing by in a week as the temperature rises, and it’s not as distinct as summer or winter, but you cannot deny its arrival - at Tianjin University.
Days are getting longer after the vernal equinox and it is a good time to take a walk in front of Zhengdong Library at sun set or read books by the Qingnian Lake in the morning. Beneath the warm glow of the sun, everything is springing to life. The soft breeze passes through the campus, bringing the first few messengers of spring into Tianjin University. Willows along the banks are starting to sprout new leaves and the touch of green is presented to passers - by as a present from nature. Crabapple blossoms, peach blossoms and winter jasmines are budding, some even already in full bloom. Branches are swaying and birds are chirping. After the silence of a long winter, spring is finally coming.

There is no doubt that, regardless of age, gender and cultural background, humans all share a common love for all beautiful things, including spring. As a symbol of hope and life, spring has long been favored by poets all over the world. From ancient verses to modern ones, from Chinese poems to western ones, poets have spared no graceful words to express their fondness for this lovely season. It is the search for beauty that bridges the gap between different languages and cultural contexts. Wandering on campus, you may be amazed at the scenery as pleasant as those depicted in poetry.
Have you smelled the scent of spring on the campus? Perhaps it’s the fragrance of various flowers, the refreshing grassy air or just the unexpected aromas on the gentle breeze that bring you a delightful morning. Whatever it is, cherish it as your unique memory of spring in Tianjin University.

The Scent of Spring
The village is full of the color of white, and noises,
Acacia flowers are blooming, attracting the wings of bees,
To be covered with pollens of the sunshine.
If you mix acacia flowers with flour and steam it—
We take a short cut to get ahead of the bees,
And smell the scent of spring.
“Acacia honey, acacia honey—” Beekeepers
Prolongs his cry,
And the road from to the beehives are prolonged as well.
Although spring in Tianjin is not as mild it is in South China, it is still refreshing—there’s no more smog in the air and the chilled wind becomes warm and tender. On a sunny day, nothing could be better than to take a photo under the cherry trees and watch the bees and butterflies buzzing around.
To spring
By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Oh, you, sweet spring, alight from cherub's wing.
And put the ugly winter full to flight.
And rouse the earth to smile, and larks to sing.
With skies so bright and hearts of youth so light.
Your gentle and genial breaths each blossom blow.
While bees in gardens hum the lullabies.
The hills and dales are stripped of mantles of snow,
And streams and rivers freed from irons of ice,
May seasons all be spring— the pride of years.
That all the things would ever gleam!
May men be ever in the prime of years!
But dream, however sweet, is but a dream.
If happy when you come and sad when gone,
Would that you 'd never come or never gone!
Do you still remember the first flower you found this spring? Most probably it hid itself in a corner, shivering in the wind, but you were probably still impressed by its courage to overcome the harsh winter and come to life. Thanks to all the small yet brave flowers, we are blessed with a university alive in spring.

Spring Goeth All in White
By Robert bridges
Spring Goeth all in white,
Crowned with milk-white may;
In fleecy flocks of light,
O'er heaven the white clouds stray;
White butterflies in the air;
White daisies prank the ground;
The cherry and hoary pear,
Scatter their snow around.
This is the beauty of spring in the university that you can find in poems, but spring is not with you until you see it with your own eyes. The world has never been short of beautiful scenery, and it is time for you to see that it is all around us. Therefore, no matter how busy you are, remember to go outside and enjoy spring at Tianjin University.
By Tang Weiyi
Photo: Han Baozhi, Li Zheng, Quan Yingyue, Du Jiake
Editor: Qin Mian