Recently, a large-scale Spring Job Fair for the 2017 graduates was held at the Weijin Road Campus at Tianjin University. Over 1,500 positions from more than 180 enterprises were offered.

60% of the enterprises came from Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province. Large State-Owned Enterprise (SOEs), centrally-administered SOEs, private technological and scientific enterprises and emerging small and medium enterprises (SMEs) attracted the graduates’ attention. Many enterprises from the Zhongguancun Zone, a technology hub in Beijing, were also welcomed by the graduates. Apart from the Spring and Autumn large-scale Job Fairs, Tianjin University has also organized many specialized Job Fairs for students from different majors to enhance their employment opportunities.

At the same time, Tianjin University implemented the Talent Development Strategy, and gave priority to national employment promotion programs, such as the Selected Graduates Plan, the Western Project, and the Program of College Student Village Officials. It has guided students to associate self-development with social needs and encouraged them to serve the country. In 2016, TJU founded the Tianjin University Students’ Public Management Research Association to attract young people aspiring to become grassroots officials. The Association offered various social activities and related courses to enhance the students' public management abilities and their sense of responsibility to better serve the country.

In recent years, Tianjin University has organized students to visit many famous enterprises such as the China Academy of Engineering Physics, the Second Academy of China Aerospace and the China Electronics Technology Group Corporation. The trips to these national key research institutions, SOEs, and grassroots organizations in western China were designed to help students have a better understanding of the workplace.
Tianjin University will hold another three Spring Job Fairs for the 2017 graduates on April 21, May 11 and June 2 to build bridges between the graduates and the enterprises.
By: Ma Yunge, Xiao Sijia, Wang Kai
Editors: Sun Xiaofang and Ross Colquhoun