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A Legacy of Learning: Three Generations at Tianjin University


Chen Yiyuan was accepted into Tianjin University's Applied Physics program through the "Strong Foundation Plan." This fall, he will begin his university journey at his parents' alma mater, continuing a family legacy that began 31 years ago. The family proudly displayed their acceptance letters, coining the phrase, "One family, one Tianjin University."

In the summer of 1993, Chen Yiyuan's father, Chen Xiao, and mother, Zhu Jiwei, were admitted to Tianjin University’s Hydraulic Engineering Department, specializing in Water Ports and Water Structures, respectively. Chen Xiao hailed from Hainan, and Zhu Jiwei from Henan. Their shared aspirations led them to the prestigious university, where they met, became friends, and eventually fell in love. During their time at Tianjin University, they volunteered for the university’s centennial celebration in 1995.

Upon graduation in 1997, their paths diverged. Chen Xiao was assigned to work in Guangzhou, while Zhu Jiwei continued her studies at Tianjin University, pursuing a master's degree in Geotechnical Engineering. Despite the distance, they supported each other’s careers and education, embodying the university’s motto of "seeking truth from facts."

Chen Xiao later completed his master's degree while working. Zhu Jiwei, after earning her master's, joined the Huangpu Port Construction Command and later moved to the Nansha Project Office, contributing to major projects. In 2000, Chen Xiao and Zhu Jiwei married in Guangzhou. In 2017, Chen Yiyuan accompanied his parents to their 20th graduation anniversary at Tianjin University, marking his first visit to the campus. During this visit, he was captivated by the university’s cultural atmosphere. Further intrigued by the university's rich history during its 125th anniversary, he and his parents visited the Beiyangyuan campus, which impressed him with its expansive and innovative design.

Chen Yiyuan’s passion for physics grew from his parents' stories about their university days. Inspired by their experiences, he eagerly applied to Tianjin University’s Applied Physics program through the Strong Foundation Plan and was successfully admitted. Now, the university that shaped his parents' lives will also shape his, making them alumni of the same institution.

This August, Chen Yiyuan will enter Tianjin University as a freshman, filled with excitement and anticipation. "I hope to follow in my parents' footsteps and find my own path and sense of belonging at Tianjin University," he said.

By: Qin Mian