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[Gen Z]Sofiia Balunova: From Saint Petersburg to Tianjin, Pursuing the Dream of Chinese Culture


"In my opinion, Chinese characters are not just a language but also a beautiful form of art, a blend of aesthetics and culture." When asked why she chose to study Chinese language in China, 21-year-old Russian student Sofiia Balunova answered enthusiastically, expressing her deep love for Chinese characters and the Chinese language.

Sofiia hails from Saint Petersburg, the cultural capital of Russia, and is currently a sophomore at the School of International Education at Tianjin University in Tianjin, a port city in Northern China. She enrolled in August 2023 and, due to her excellent Chinese proficiency, started directly as a second-year student.

"Before coming to China for university, I had already passed the HSK Level 5 Chinese proficiency test." The highest level of the HSK is Level 6. Remarkably, Sofiia went from being a beginner to nearly reaching the highest standard in less than a year.

Reflecting on her time at the Confucius Institute at Saint Petersburg University, Sofiia described it as tough but fulfilling, "because every day I felt I was getting closer to my dream." That dream was to study in China and see the country she had longed for since her youth.

Growing up in a city rich in culture, Sofiia has always pursued beauty and art. After graduating from middle school, she chose to study cosmetology at a vocational college. During this period, she developed a strong interest in Asian culture, and an artistic field trip solidified her fascination with Chinese culture.

"Saint Petersburg has many cultural and artistic sites, as well as exhibitions and gardens showcasing the beauty of different countries. At the Shanghai Friendship Garden in the city center, I had my first direct encounter with Chinese culture, and I was immediately captivated." The Friendship Garden, a gift from Shanghai in 2003 to commemorate the 300th anniversary of Saint Petersburg's founding, is a miniature version of Yuyuan Garden (a famous classical garden in Shanghai). Speaking of the Friendship Garden, Sofiia eagerly showed photos on her phone, "Look at this pavilion, the stone lions, and the Nine-Dragon Wall. These scenes are completely different from the culture in my country."

This visit sparked Sofiia's immense curiosity about China, and she began to study and learn about China on her own. "I gathered information about China through the internet and Chinese social media platforms, learning about China's long history and unique culture." Her curiosity gradually turned into a love for Chinese culture, and Sofiia decided to focus her graduation thesis on the makeup and hairstyles of the Tang Dynasty.

"China has had many dynasties, each with its own cultural characteristics and popular makeup styles. My favorite is the makeup and hairstyles of the Tang Dynasty," Sofiia said.

From her point of view, the Tang Dynasty's makeup is vibrant and dignified, reflecting a warm and exuberant cultural atmosphere. "Through my thesis research, I hope to introduce Chinese culture to more people."

Sofiia's thirst for knowledge about China from books and the internet gradually became unsatisfactory, and she developed a desire to study in China. "I wanted to see what China is really like and experience Chinese culture firsthand."

In 2023, after more than a year of diligent study, Sofiia finally received her admission notice from Tianjin University in Tianjin, a port city in northern China and embarked on her journey to China.

"The China I imagined is so different from the China I actually saw!" Before coming to China, Sofiia's impression of the country was primarily that of an ancient, historical Eastern civilization. "I thought China, like the center of Saint Petersburg, was dominated by traditional ancient buildings," she said. However, the moment she stepped out of the airport, Sofiia was struck by the modernity and high-tech development of Chinese cities. “I saw skyscrapers, advanced infrastructure, and experienced the speed of high-speed rail and the convenience of mobile payments. China’s development far exceeded my expectations.”

The surprises of studying abroad didn't stop there. She visited the Great Wall, and despite having seen many European landscapes, the grandeur and history of the Great Wall left her deeply impressed. "It is one of the greatest cultural heritage sites I have ever seen." In Tianjin, the blend of Eastern and Western cultures and architectural landscapes often made her feel like she was in Europe, which greatly alleviated her sense of loneliness in a foreign land. The rich cultural activities at the university brought even more joy to this "artistic youth." "Events like the Crabapple Blossom Fesitval, Maple Leaf Season, and International Cultural Festival provided us with opportunities to learn about cultures from around the world. I also made friends from many different countries. This cultural exchange and integration are my favorite parts."

Sofiia hopes to continue her studies in China in the future and work in promoting Sino-Russian cultural and trade cooperation. "I believe that the exchanges between China and Russia will become increasingly close, bringing more employment and development opportunities for the youth of both countries. Proficiency in Chinese will greatly enhance my job competitiveness," she said confidently.

By Eva Yin