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Discover Excellent Notes and Homework by Students


Discover how students of academic excellence learn during their daily life.

Impressively written and every image meticulously arranged, the excellent study notes and finished homework by students were showcased on Tianjin University's 11th “Excellent Homework, Notes, and Lab Reports” Awards.

Excellent Homework

By He Chuanyu from the School of Mechanical Engineering 

By Ye Xinyue from the School of Architecture 

By Xi Rongjiao from Medical School 

Excellent Study Notes

By Jia Jiace from the School of Marine Science and Technology 

By Hu Jiayi from the School of Architecture

By Zhu Xiuyuan from the School of Mathematics 

By Wang Xiaoya from Medical School 

By Lv Yafei from the School of Electrical and Information Engineering 

By Dai Rui

Editor: Sun Xiaofang