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5th Red Leaf Festival of 2023 Opens

 Arts and Culture

On October 22, hosted by Feng Jicai Institute of Literature and Art and co-hosted by Publicity Department and Youth League Committee, the 5th Red Leaf Festival opened at the Feng Jicai Institute of Literature and Art.

Tianjin University boasts crabapple festival in spring and red leaf festival in autumn. The most beautiful red leaves can be found at the Feng Jicai Institute of Literature and Art. The "Red Leaf Festival " held at the institute every year during the late autumn has become a poetic tradition at Tianjin University. 

In this year's Red Leaf Festival, in addition to various activities such as "Letters to My Future Self," the Red Leaf Poetry and Art Gallery, photo spot of the wall with red leaves, handmade red leaf crafts, and the exhibition of red leaf paintings, the Feng Jicai Institute also utilized the natural backdrop of red leaves, clear waters, swans and koi, setting up a water stage. The poetry concert was hosted by the renowned host Zhao Pu. Performers including an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage, a world champion of Taijiquan, as well as performers from Tianjin Symphony Orchestra, Tianjin Conservatory of Music, Tianjin university's Art Education Center, Peiyang Choir, Dance Troupe, Military Band, and Performance Department of Tiangong University, among others, gave excellent performances. From song performances to instrumental music performances, from dances to martial arts, from poetry recitations to fashion shows, the concert blends various artistic forms from different times and cultures, creating a fusion of poetic beauty.

At the end of the concert, Mr. Feng Jicai, Ms. Lei Ming, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee of Tianjin University, and Mr. Shang Changhong, the sculptor of the Xu Zhimo’s bronze statue, along with other guests, led the teachers and students in presenting flowers to the statue. In front of the statue of the poet Xu Zhimo, Mr. Feng stated that universities should not only impart knowledge to students but also broaden their horizons and nurture their souls. Aesthetic education, especially in science and engineering universities, is quite important. "Paying tribute to Xu Zhimo is not about making you all poets, but about encouraging you to value your own inner world, to infuse your lives with more poetic quality and beauty."

Mr. Feng said: “I hope that in the future, everyone will continue to participate in the Red Leaf Festival year after year. I hope you can still remember the enjoyable and poetic life brought by the Red Leaf Festival after your graduation."

By Li Xinyi

Editor: Sun Xiaofang