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15th SPST Sub-session of 2023 Doctoral Academic Forum of Tianjin University Held


On October 19, 2023 Doctoral Academic Forum of Tianjin University opened in the lecture hall on the second floor of Science Library.

Prof. Chang Jin and Prof. Zhang Xiaodong (Forum Supervisors from Tianjin University), Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (SPST) Zhang Ling, Vice Party Secretary Li Nan, Associate Deans of SPST Peter Robert Taylor, Du Yunfei, Wu Jing, as well as 10 professors and 200 graduate students from SPST attended the opening ceremony.

Prof. Guo Jiangtao from Zhejiang University, and Prof. Tang Yefeng from Tsinghua University were invited to attend the forum and they each gave a keynote lecture at the opening ceremony.

First, Zhang Ling, the Secretary of the Party Committee of SPST delivered an opening speech and declared the opening of the doctoral forum, followed by drawing lucky prizes to appreciate the splendid attendance from the students.

Prof. Guo Jiangtao and Prof. Tang Yefeng presented excellent academic reports entitled Ion Channel Structural Biology: Basis and Frontier and Research on Synthetic Chemistry and Innovative Drugs Driven by Natural Products, respectively. At the same time, the two professors also answered questions raised by teachers and students. The two experts’ lectures aroused heated discussions among participants.

On the afternoon of 19 and the morning of 20, the PhD students from the subjects of Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Analysis, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics and Health and Pharmaceutical Administration each gave academic presentations in five branched disciplinary venues. Every PhD student reported their research progress and academic achievements comprehensively in the form of oral reports in English, answered questions from participants on site, and received suggestions.

Master students held the poster presentation. Each student introduced their research progress and results to the reviewers. The reviewers also communicated and discussed with students, putting forward instructive and helpful suggestions.

During the closing ceremony, Secretary of the Party Committee of SPST Zhang Ling, Associate Deans of SPST Peter Robert Taylor, Du Yunfei, and Wu Jing, awarded 9 PhD students and 22 master students with certificates of honor respectively for their excellent performances in this forum. At last, Associate Dean of SPST Peter Robort Taylor and Wu Jing drew thirty-seven lucky prizes and handed out gifts to students.

Although the doctoral forum only lasted for two days, the PhD and master students participating in it have all benefited a lot from the event. The success of this Doctoral Academic Forum enables students to hold a more positive attitude towards both study and life, and be prepared for a brilliant future.

By School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Editors: Sun Xiaofang, Wen Shixuan