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A Decade of Supporting Education Illuminates Future of Fengyu Students with a Glimmer of Light

 Rural Revitalization

Since 2014, the Yunnan Fengyu Practice Team of the College of Management and Economics (CoME) of Tianjin University (TJU) has been supporting education in the southwest for about 10 consecutive years, spanning nearly 3000 kilometers, lighting up the glimmer of education for Fengyu students.

Over the past decade, over 150 practical team members from Tianjin University has engaged in supporting education in the southwest. Tianjin University has cultivated a total of 623 primary and secondary school students in Fengyu, distributed over 600 thousand yuan in scholarships to more than 400 teachers and students, sponsored more than 10 left-behind children to visit TJU, built 3 caring classrooms, tutored more than 10 local entrepreneurs, constructed the "Mao Yisheng Public Welfare Bridge", conducted more than 10 ecological and cultural surveys , recorded 26 cultural landmarks and ancient buildings into Gaode Map, and released 10 virtual panoramic walkthrough works.

From the coast of Bohai Sea to the source of Erhai Lake

In 2023, the practice team ShiGuangWeiYang · JinFengZhuiYu (which means sending beautiful wishes from TJU to Fengyu Town) of CoME went to Fengyu Town, Dali, Yunnan Province, to fulfill a ten-year promise.

This growth training camp offered a total of 15 art and handicraft courses, creating a harbor for seeking and building dreams, and encouraging Fengyu students to always hold hope for the distant world.

At the same time, the practice team visited various places in Fengyu Town, including 26 famous cultural landmarks and ancient buildings such as Fengxiang Academy and Baishijiang Bridge, and recorded them on the Gaode Map. Ten of these ancient buildings were shot panoramically, achieving an online 360-degree virtual tour, which provides convenience for tourists and local villagers to inquire, understand, and visit, allowing more people to experience Fengyu and fall in love with it.

Award Ceremony of Yuanming Sunshine Education Fund

On the morning of July 25, the 10th Growth Training Camp Closing Ceremony and the Award Ceremony of Yuanming Sunshine Education Fund were held in Fengyu Town.

Tong Yuanming, initiator of the Yuanming Sunshine Education Fund of TJU and an EMBA alumnus from CoME, Guan Hong, secretary of the Youth League Committee of TJU, Shi Liangxing, professor of CoME, Li Weigang, secretary of the Party Committee of Fengyu Town, Wang Guoliang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and Mayor of Fengyu Town, Yu Qian, vice dean of the School of Future Technology and executive vice dean of Xuanhuai School, Shang Jie, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Life Sciences, presented awards to local teachers and students who made outstanding contributions to teaching and achieved excellent grades in learning.

To express gratitude for the consistent attention and support to the development of education in Fengyu over the past decade, Tan Liqiang awarded Tong Yuanming the "Special Contribution Award".

At the end of ceremony, to express gratitude to the caring individuals who have made special contributions to the public welfare cause of Fengyu rural education, Li Weigang and Wang Guoliang awarded the "Honorary Villager" certificate to Tong Yuanming , the initiator of the practical activities and education fund, as well as Saibudingjiang Aizezi, the guiding teacher who has been committed to supporting education for many years.

10th Anniversary Forum

On the afternoon of July 25, the 10th Anniversary Forum of Fengyu Practice Activity and Yuanming Sunshine Public Welfare Activity was successfully held in Fengyu Town.

Guan Hong, secretary of the Youth League Committee of TJU, stated in her speech that during the process of rooting in a different place, teachers and students of TJU have always focused on local needs, innovatively explored aesthetic education construction, and established bases to assist in rural revitalization of Fengyu. Fengyu is a valuable practical platform for TJU. She hoped that TJU’s footprints can deepen and go further in the next decade.

Mao Yiwen, deputy mayor of Fengyu Town People's Government in Eryuan County, delivered a speech stating that, combining with the development of social modernization and education, the practice team has played an important guiding role for Fengyu students over the past decade, and has also helped rural revitalization of Fengyu. He hoped that the teachers and students of TJU can take Fenyu as their home, continuously promoting local education in Fengyu and putting rural revitalization into practice over the next decade.

Shang Jie, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Life Sciences, briefly reported on the important achievements made by the practice team in Fengyu every year based on the timeline since 2014, and stated that Fengyu is an emotion integrated into the hearts of the team members. The practice team has continued to explore new forms and inject great strength into the process of rural revitalization.

At the symposium, Tong Yuanming talked about his original intention to donate, stating that Fengyu has become his hometown and he will always pay attention to and support the development of local education in his lifetime. He also put forward new prospects and expectations for the growth training camp, suggesting to display the works of students who have been participating in the training camp for many years in one place, so that the students can more intuitively feel their changes and growth.

Yang Tao, teacher of Fengyu No. 1 Middle School, stated that he has experienced and witnessed the Fengyu Practice Activity of TJU for ten years, and has benefited a lot from it. During the process of communication and learning with the practice team of CoME, they gradually formed an education, teaching, and management system. The social responsibility that the team members have always upheld will gradually be transmitted to the hearts of Fengyu students, thus closely connecting love and education.

Zhang Shuping, principal of Fengyu No. 1 Middle School, also talked about the profound impact of CoME on the education industry of Fengyu. The collision of educational forms has brought many inspirations to the development of local education, and has also broadened the horizons of Fengyu students. The friendship between CoME of TJU and Fengyu is extremely precious.

When the practice team walked into Fengyu and brought the vast world to local children, the team members themselves were also infected by the cultural atmosphere there. What’s more, they also found greater self-worth in the practice of education, and truly cultivated a sense of patriotism in their hearts.

By College of Management and Economics

Editor: Sun Xiaofang