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AHMED MALOUM MOHAMED: This trip opens a new world for me


Editor’s notes: This summer, the School of International Education at Tianjin University organized an activity with the theme of Understanding China. They arranged a trip to the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region for 25 international students from 13 different countries. The week-long trip had a profound impact on all the student participants, and many of them took the time to reflect on their experiences. In this article, we are excited to share a few of their trip reflections with our readers.

A new world has unfolded before me since I came to China. It is a very special country that has a cultural heritage spanning over five thousand years. Each city in China seems to have its own unique culture and geography. I feel incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to study in China. I am even luckier because Tianjin University provided me with the opportunity to visit Ningxia.

From the beginning to the end of the trip, my respect for China has grown day by day. Despite the large population, everything is well-organized and orderly. You can see it reflected on people's faces. All public service workers are extremely practical and diligent in the smallest details. From police officers to sanitation cleaners, they energetically carry out their duties and welcome you with enthusiasm.

We had a long journey. All along the way, there was stunning scenic views. But what impressed me most is Chinese people’s efforts in natural conservation. They implemented  many projects that exploit wind and solar power. The experience helped me develop a preliminary understanding of China's ecological civilization construction.

Every time we arrived at a destination after several hours on the bus, everyone had surprised expressions on their faces due to the beautiful scenery, repeatedly saying, "It's always worth it." The beauty lies not only in nature but also in the historical sites like temples, museums, and art galleries. Each place feels like an independent world, detached from the outside, yet providing all the modern conveniences regardless of how far it is from the city. We can tell that Chinese government attaches great importance to historical and cultural protection. 

I noticed many families from different parts of China coming to explore these places with their children. This shows their love for their homeland and their efforts to instill love for their country in their children.

When you see a government like the Chinese government and people like the Chinese people, you will be amazed and respectful. I hope other countries can enjoy the same security, prosperity, peace, and strength as China.

Lastly, I express my gratitude and admiration for the warm reception of us by the Chinese government and its people. I especially thank Tianjin University for providing this opportunity.

AHMED MALOUM MOHAMED from Mauritania is currently an undergraduate student at the School of Architecture.


Editor: Eva Yin