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【Rural Revitalization】 Tianjin University's Practice Rated as 2022 National Excellent Typical Case of Supporting Rural Revitalization


Launching Ceremony and Cloud Exhibition of the National College Public Welfare Agricultural Marketing Competition

Since 2013, Tianjin University has been supporting development of Tanchang County, Gansu Province. In order to solve the problem on production rather than marketing in the process of rural industry development, TJU has been holding the National Public Welfare Marketing Contest every year since June 2020, relying on the Marketing Department of the College of Management and Economics (CoME) and the Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center. Tianjin University focuses on Tanchang rural product marketing, and relys on the social e-commerce model. Through the way of "product research + skills training + marketing practice", Tianjin University create a unique way to help farmers and encourage sales.

TJU establishes a practice base in Tanchang E-commerce Center relying on the agricultural marketing competition.

The organizers of the marketing competition collected and explored local characteristics through symposiums and questionnaires, searched for marketing hotspots, conducted product research, and extracted five distinctive cultural elements of Tanchang products including Green Nature, Millennium Old Medicine Town, and E-commerce Characteristics. In order to stimulate the endogenous power of marketing subjects, over 10 experts and scholars in marketing area were invited from TJU, Nankai University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Chongqing University and other universities to carry out professional training focusing on social entrepreneurial marketing, agricultural product brand positioning and communication, and marketing digitalization, among other topics. The trainees covered more than 80 e-commerce practitioners and farmers in Tanchang, and more than 700 agricultural students, effectively helping local enterprises improve their talent competitiveness. For three consecutive years, the competition organized over 700 students from major universities across the country to conduct marketing exercises, guiding students to "showcase their abilities" in rural defvelopment.

The marketing competition has successively set up e-commerce, cultural tourism, and food tracks. On the e-commerce track, contestants worked together with enterprises in the rural areas to optimize their marketing strategies, forming a marketing plan of 200,000 words, conducting more than 10 live streaming activities, attracting more than 8,000 viewers and accumulating sales of 442,400 yuan. In the cultural tourism and food track, the contestants recorded the beautiful scenery and local customs, presented the picture scroll of rural revitalization with photos, videos and words, cooked food with agricultural aid commodities, encouraged and praised agricultural specialty products with tempting colors, aromas, and flavors, and helped enterprises create product features and cultural business cards by taking advantage of disciplinary advantages. The event was reported by CCTV, People's Daily, Guangming Daily, China Youth Daily and China University Education Online.

TJU's rural revitalization activities are reported by CCTV.

Not only focused on the competition, the marketing competition organizer supported the participating teams, continued to contact the enterprises after the competition, focused on the development of e-commerce and brand building in Tanchang, and continues to assist local enterprises by establishing innovation and entrepreneurship practice bases, equipping entrepreneurship mentor teams, incubating entrepreneurship projects, and other methods in the rural areas.

Marketing student teams and partner enterprises are carrying out live streaming sales.

The National Public Welfare Agricultural Assistance Marketing Competition focuses on the new business format of "Social + E-commerce", proposing the slogan of "Everyone is willing to do, everyone can do, and everyone is able to do", and embarking on a fission marketing path of "social + e-commerce". In response to the operation, management, and marketing of local enterprises in Tanchang, TJU has completed three national college student innovation and entrepreneurship training programs, published two cases, and completed three pending cases. It has embarked on a path of "Farmers + Enterprises + Universities" that combines industry, academia and research to increase agricultural income. The participating student team teamed up with agricultural and sideline product enterprises in a "light entrepreneurship" approach, not only helping rural enterprises expand product sales, but also accumulating entrepreneurial experience and methods in the marketing process, creating a "Student team + Enterprise" "light entrepreneurship" practical education path.

The small marketing competition is not only a big stage for sales assistance, but also a big classroom for educating people. This is the most concrete embodiment of the concept of TJU, which has always adhered to the principle of building morality and cultivating people, guiding young students to participate in rural revitalization in an all-round way, to grow their talents and realize the win-win cooperation.

By College of Management and Economics

Editor: Sun Xiaofang