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[Commencement 2023] Remarks by President Jin Donghan at Commencement Ceremony for Undergraduates


Dear students, staff, and guests,

Welcome to Tianjin University’s graduation ceremony for undergraduate students and thank you for being here today. Many of you were not able to attend your ceremony last year and are invited to be here today. On behalf of the entire University, I offer our warmest congratulations and gratitude to your teachers, families and loved ones for their care and supports.

Four years ago, I stood in this stadium at welcoming ceremony and said: You are all special to me, because we entered this University at about the same time. The only difference is that I am here to be President and you are here to be students. In the past four years, together with you, I have read Tianjin University, appreciated every tree and flower on campus, and witnessed the development and honor of our University. After 4 years, what does the University look like in your eyes? I would like to share with you my feelings.

Tianjin University is a university that blends ancient and modern. The University has a long history and rich heritage. It keeps up with the times and is always up-to-date. On the new journey of development, it promotes “Tianjin University Plan” of emerging engineering education. It strives to cultivate talents with all-round development.

Why can Tianjin University still be tenacious and vigorous after going through hardships during the war and weather, because we Tianjin University people have a common value pursuit, which is summarized as "Tianjin University character". This is our common university, spanning three centuries from its predecessor Peiyang University to Tianjin University. "Rejuvenating our country through education" is her spiritual inheritance through ancient and modern times, condensed into her university spirit. Are you ready to inherit this spirit and keep pace with the times?

Tianjin University is a university with the spirit of combination of softness and hardness. On either Peiyangyuan Campus or Weijin Road Campus, there is a central axis that runs through the east and west of the campus, playing a neat and symmetrical rhythm. In the past four years, we have witnessed the achievements of the University’s development. The first large-scale earthquake engineering simulation research facility in China has been built. The innovation platform for the integration of industry and education in energy storage technology and the School of Future Technology were inaugurated. The number of national teaching achievement awards in 2022 ranked first in the country. Strolling on campus, we can feel the University’s warmth. Remember the red lanterns during the Spring Festival, the sweetness of the Fruit Festival, the beautiful songs of Peiyang Chorus, and laughter in the show of the Crosstalk Club. This is our common University, strong and powerful, tender and romantic. Are you ready to absorb this spirit during your future life?

Tianjin University is a university where dynamic and static are intertwined. The river flowing through the Weijin Road Campus winds for tens of kilometers in the city to the Peiyangyuan Campus, and the spirit of Tianjin University bursts into vitality with the flow of water waves from the old campus to the new campus. Tianjin University always dares to surge forward. Just this summer, the Tiankai Higher Education Innovation Park, which the University fully participated, was opened. The Park will become an influential science and technology innovation highland in the country in the future. The 9th China College Students’ “Internet +” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition organized by Tianjin University was launched. This is our Tianjin University, with combination of dynamic and static, playing her rhyme. Are you ready to follow this rhyme and compose a life chapter with innovation and perseverance?

Dear students, these are my feelings about Tianjin University. I am very proud to be with you to be a TJUer who inherits the spirit of ancient and modern, softness and hardness, and dynamic and static.

Next, I would like to share the stories of three Tianjin University people and let's think about how to be a good TJUer together.

Tianjin University people have great aspirations. Perhaps many students heard of Senior Zou Yuesheng's name for the first time. In Qinglong Mountain, Guizhou Province, there is a winding road known as the "Twenty-four Turns", with a total of 24 arc-shaped curves from the foot of the mountain to the top. The designer of the highway was Zou Yuesheng, who graduated from the major of Civil Engineering of then Peiyang University in 1924. After building the "24 Turns", he continued to trek through the mountains, building more than 10 highways, 8 railways and 6 airports, and devoting his life to the transportation construction.

Tianjin University people are determined to be valuable. No matter what jobs you do in the future, I hope you don't ask yourself what you can get, but think about what you can do for the world. As long as you cherish our motherland and the people, you can become a pioneer and a hero in the hearts of the people you serve.

To be a TJUer, we should have love. Mr. Lin Songhua is a distinguished alumni representative who has just spoken. We applaud his career glory and are even more proud of his great love for society. When he was in his first year of university, he donated half a month's living expenses earned from work-study to an alumnus in need. He often said that it is Tianjin University who educated him to establish better values and outlook on life, and realized that success is not how much money you can make, but how much you can do for the world and how many people you can help. Today, the Chunshui Love Fund he founded has donated more than 400 million yuan, helped nearly 180,000 people, and donated 313 million yuan to his alma mater Tianjin University in 2021. I hope you are grateful to everyone who has offered help. It is those unexpected warmth that helps you to gain graduation certificate and gather together today. I hope you are grateful for every experience of success and failure, especially setbacks that have cultivated your perseverance and given you the courage to look inward and the ability to improve your shortcomings. In the future, I hope that you will not only be "a chaser for lights", but also "the person who offer lights". When realizing your personal dreams, remember to respect the dreams of others and use your own light to illuminate the path of others, which is a happy thing!

To be a TJUer, we should have courage. All of you are courageous. You have worked hard and forged ahead, winning gold and silver in competitions such as Internet+ and the Challenge Cup. You stand up, take responsibility, and compete on the playing field. I'm so proud of you. All of you did well! In the future, when you face difficulties, I hope that you will not be afraid or retreat and you will have the determination and the courage to shield others from the wind and rain.

Dear students, you are here today, meaning that you have achieved success. In the future, your words and deeds will represent Tianjin University people. From now on, let’s strive to be Tianjin University people who protect our families, contribute to the country, and serve the world. Four years ago, I hoped that you would be able to cultivate morality, study diligently, practice and learn to get along well with each other during your university years. Today, I want to hear you say: I made it!

Wish you all a bright future! Thank you!

By Sun Xiaofang