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[Commencement 2023] Lin Songhua: Love and Hard work, Great Driving Forces for Success


"Love and hard work are the two great magic recipes that keep Likego alive, and also the two great weapons for Likego to go global." said Lin Songhua, Class 1997, during his Class Day address in the sports stadium on Weijin Road campus on Tuesday.

As the Chairman of Xiamen Chunshui Caring Foundation and founder of Xiamen Intretech Automotive Electronics, known as Likego, Lin accredited his success to love and called the Class of 2023 to be grateful and benevolent in their future life. “Likego’s company culture is to care for others and take social responsibility. Love is the key that unlocks the door to people’s hearts.It makes setbacks as tender as spring fountains and serves as lucky charms for our company.” Lin thus told Class of 2023.

Lin Songhua set up “Caring Foundation” in 2007 and since then has supported hundreds of people with millions of dollars. He started Xiamen Chunshui Caring Foundation, the first private foundation in Xiamen, in 2013, and actively participated in wide variety of endeavors for public welfare. “The caring foundation’s name is Chunshui, which means Spring rain that waters the crops and moistens the Earth,” said Lin. The mission of the foundation is to help the people in need in his company, in schools and in the rest of the society by offering prizes, subsidies and supports. It also donated books to hundreds of handicapped children, drawing other organizations and individuals’ attention to help the disabled.

In total, Lin Songhua has made a donation up to 310 million RMB to charitable causes and ranked #23 on the 2022 Hurun Philanthropy List.

“Seize every minute and strive for better is what we advocate in Likego.”Lin Songhua urged students to keep working hard after graduation.

"The significance of university is to make us become people with independent thinking ability. Soon you will find that there is a huge difference between the real world and what you learned and thought in university. Those who can enter top universities are all talented individuals, and the differences among them are not big. However, after graduating for 5, 10 or 20 years, you will discover that the differences among people are not decided within an 8-hour workday, but outside of it. Everyone knows the idea of quantity leading to quality, but not many know the law of hard work. What is the law of hard work? It is actually the 10,000-Hour Rule, which is to accumulate the quantity of 10,000 hours that can cause qualitative change in a shorter time. If we work 8 hours a day for five days a week, it would take five years, but if we work 9 hours for 6 days a week, it would only take three years. This is why Tencent and Xiaomi developed so fast and so well in the past."

At the end of his speech, Lin gave his best wishes to all Class 2023 and hoped they could realize their dreams through love and hardworking.

By Eva Yin