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Together for a Bright Future: 2023 Tianjin University Commencement Ceremony for Graduates Held


On June 20, 2023, the commencement and degree-granting ceremony for the Class of 2023 postgraduates was held in the sports stadium of Tianjin University's Weijin Road Campus. Among postgraduate students, 516 graduates received doctoral degrees on this day, and 3194 received master's degrees. In addition, 106 PhDs and 374 M.A. graduates from the class of 2020–2022 are invited to return to campus to finally have the ceremonies they missed.

Professor Jin Donghan, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of Tianjin University, said in his address: “Students at Tianjin University are strong and tenacious in face of challenges, concentrating unwaveringly on study and research, and making great achievements with insistence.” He urged graduates to have firm ideals, pursue lifelong learning, maintain integrity, and inherit Tianjin University’s character in the future journey of life.

Class 2022 graduate Ren Keyun, who received his degree in August 2022, took a flight from Wuhan to Tianjin to attend this occasion.

“It's really ceremonial and simultaneously makes me feel young again. The graduation season is always full of joy and regret of parting.” Ren said.

After attending the commencement ceremony, he truly felt that he had graduated. Ren Keyun, who decided to start his own firm after graduating, launched a biopharmaceutical company that has now successfully completed two rounds of funding totaling tens of millions of dollars.

By Zheng Wuxuan

Editor: Sun Xiaofang