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Cherish the Beauty of TJU with a Mirror


If you have a mirror

You can take the beauty of TJU

into your pocket.

Spring is like the strong wine

flowers flourishing

Breeze gusts

Tourists can feel crabapple fragrance

Forsythia flourishes all the spring

Brilliant golden light

shines in the sunlight

On the shore of Youth Lake

Twigs sprout and new green dots

Thousands of weeping willows are as thin as silk

Warm breeze ripples like jade

Peach Blossoms are in full bloom

pink color is around the TJU

In the bushes on the roadside

Daisies and carnations are blooming one after another

Light pink in a green hue

Like a shy and beautiful adolescent girl

A tree of white flowers

Contend with each other to show their charm

As envoys sent by spring

white flowers are like gifts

sprinkle blessings on the world

Kites are the best makeup of the spring

Accompanied by gusts of gentle wind

They are letters of the season

Floating in the clear blue sky

“Warning! You are targeted by my lovely eyes!”

No worries, the kitty will do no harm

Want nothing but teasing

Duckies make up the charming summer

Duckies bring you the best wishes

Dusk is a romanticist

That the sunset falls in love with it

The burning tangerine is the last tender

From the loving sun at the end of day

Just take a mirror

Click the shutter

Be a faithful recorder

Of the TJU in the summer

By Zhang Yiru

Editor: Sun Xiaofang