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Celebration of the 20th anniversary of Tianjin University EMBA program


On April 15, as part of the series activities to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Mr. Liu Bao's birth, the TJU 2023 EMBA Development Forum and the 20th anniversary celebration of EMBA enrollment with the theme of "Facing Changes for Development, Refining Heritage for the Future" was held at Tianjin University

Tianjin Federation of Literary and Art Circles Vice Chairman and Tianjin Film Society Chairman Fang Wei, and former host of Tianjin TV, Himalaya producer, and Tianjin Digital Economy Chamber of Commerce Vice Chairman Wang Lei, attended the event.

Tianjin University EMBA alumni, students of Grade 2021 and 2022, business elites and entrepreneurs gathered together to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Mr. Liu Bao's birth, celebrate the 20th anniversary of Tianjin University's EMBA enrollment, review the past and look forward to the future, and discuss innovation and development. This is not only a communication platform for expanding horizons and sharing experiences, but also a development platform for deepening friendships and seeking common goals in the future.

Tianjin University Vice Party Secretary Lei Ming

Lei Ming, Vice Party Secretary of Tianjin University, pointed out that in recent years, TJU has deeply understood the new deployment and new requirements of higher education, found its position in the construction of a strong country and national revitalization, and actively promoted the coordinated development of education, science and technology, and talent, achieving significant results in talent cultivation, disciplinary construction, technological self-sufficiency, and other aspects. She particularly mentioned that this year is the 100th anniversary of Mr. Liu Bao's birth. As the backbone of national innovation, Mr. Liu deserves our serious study of his spirit of facing world changes, refining heritage and leading innovation. Lei Ming stated that the TJU EMBA program as an important platform for the university to cultivate senior managers, has had more than 2,000 outstanding alumni over the past 20 years. She felt very happy to see students and alumni coming from all over the world.

TJU EMBA alumni representative, former Vice Mayor of Tianjin, former Vice Chairman of CPPCC, Wang Zhiping

Wang Zhiping, TJU EMBA alumni representative, former Vice Mayor of Tianjin, former Vice Chairman of CPPCC, stated that TJU has a long history, a strong academic atmosphere, and is renowned both domestically and abroad. TJU’s high-level scientific research has promoted the development of Tianjin industry. "The city relies on the university to become stronger, and the university relies on the city to develop." Universities and cities nurture each other, complement each other, and provide powerful support for building a modern metropolis. The TJU EMBA program relies on the excellent composite teaching team, comprehensive practical teaching and unique module design to cultivate a well-structured and high-quality talent pool for society. He believes that the TJU EMBA program will further develop and grow to a new level!

TJU Tianjin Alumni Association President, Jiuan Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Chairman Liu Yi

Liu Yi, President of Tianjin Alumni Association of TJU and Chairman of Jiuan Medical Technology Co., Ltd., described the changes in College of Management and Economics (CoME), TJU, Tianjin and China from the perspective of innovation and entrepreneurship. He mentioned that China now has the conditions in terms of talents, technology, capital, and market. The intellectual property and related scientific research achievements are at the forefront of the world, and technology development already has a good foundation. Our era of scientific and technological innovation is coming, which is not only an opportunity for TJU but also for all TJU students and alumni. In the future, we must work hard to exert the wisdom and strength of comprehensive talents who understand technology, products, markets, capital and management and let the students who have dreams and pursuits stay at TJU. Finally, he hopes to jointly establish a sci-tech innovation growth circle with alumni to promote the formation of a "TJU Stanford + Silicon Valley model," unite sci-tech enterprises, develop collaboratively, and grow together.

Tianjin United Business and Innovation Development Promotion Association President, Jinglan Group Chairman Guo Baoyin

Guo Baoyin, President of Tianjin United Business and Innovation Development Promotion Association, and Chairman of Jinglan Group, stated that since its establishment, TJU has always had genes of cooperation and innovation. The spirit of entrepreneurship, hard work, academic excellence, and patriotic dedication has been passed down from generation to generation. Since the enrollment of the TJU EMBA program in 2002, based on the disciplinary advantages and strong faculty team of the CoME, it has continuously delivered groundbreaking innovation-thinking, strong execution, and globally-minded and responsible knowledge-based talents to society. They have achieved significant accomplishments in various industries, not only with patriotic dedication but also practical actions, showing the style of "TJUers" everywhere.

Tong Yuanming, executive vice president of the Tianjin University EMBA Alumni Association and chairman of Tianjin Guangyi Ling Health Technology Co., Ltd.

Tong Yuanming, executive vice president of the Tianjin University EMBA Alumni Association and chairman of the Tianjin Guangyi Ling Health Technology Co., Ltd., talked about how he enriched his knowledge structure and met many practical and highly qualified entrepreneurs during his EMBA study at Tianjin University in 2010, which deepened his understanding of enterprise management. At the same time, he proposed to establish a sense of social responsibility, "not only to be a successful person, but also to be a valuable person." He advocated that everyone should participate in public welfare activities, form a value consensus in public welfare activities, explore common goals, share resources, become a development community, and achieve win-win results. He suggested that everyone should pay attention to traditional Chinese medicine, adopt a scientific lifestyle, and embrace health.

Mao Zhaofang, Party Secretary of CoME of TJU

Prof. Mao Zhaofang, Party Secretary of CoME of TJU mentioned that since the establishment of the CoME of TJU, under the joint efforts of the university leadership, college faculty, and alumni, it has achieved significant development. As one of the characteristic professional degree education programs in the field of economics and management, the TJU EMBA program has been carefully developed for 20 years and has won high recognition from society. It continuously delivers high-level talents and business leaders to national and social development, contributing wisdom and strength to promoting social and economic innovation and development. He hoped that alumni and students could better meet the opportunities and challenges of the new era, use their theoretical knowledge to serve China's modernization development, promote national strategies, social and economic progress, and make outstanding contributions to people's happiness and social welfare.

Fu Minying (left), Yao Zhenguo (middle), and Hu Ruguang (right).

Chairman of Jindong Jiacheng Group, President of Tianjin Alumni Association of Tsinghua University EMBA Program, and the Executive Vice Chairman of the United Business Innovation and Development Promotion Association, Fu Minying, along with the Secretary-General of Tianjin Alumni Association of TJU, Yao Zhenguo, and Deputy Secretary-General Hu Ruguang, participated in this activity.

Focusing on new developments, sharpening up at the right time.

Three senior experts Xu Hongcai, Qi Ershi, and Li Minqiang were invited to give keynote speeches at this forum. They conducted in-depth analysis of current hot topics, shared the latest developments and trends, and helped alumni and students to better understand the current opportunities and challenges, so as to improve their management level and promote enterprise development.

Xu Hongcai gave a keynote speech: China's Economic Outlook for 2023.

Qi Ershi gave a keynote speech: Innovation and Change in Management Methods

Li Minqiang gave a keynote speech: "Intelligence+" Management - Enabling Management Innovation with Artificial Intelligence Technology

Heart in heart, stride towards the future

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the enrollment of Tianjin University's EMBA program. In order to pass on the spirit of Tianjin University's EMBA, the Alumni Association Council of the Tianjin University EMBA was established at the meeting, and a ceremony was specially planned to pass on the EMBA 20th alumni tradition. Each representative of the EMBA raised a flag. The twenty flags symbolize the 20 years of continuously cultivating the talents of the EMBA program of Tianjin University, as well as the 20 years of struggle of EMBA alumni together. In the future, the Tianjin University EMBA team will continue to grow and the excellent traditions and spirit of EMBA will never cease.

With the continuous changes in technology and the market, how to promote industrial development is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed. This round-table forum gathered the wisdom and strength of experts, scholars and enterprise representatives to discuss the cutting-edge technologies and market trends for traditional Chinese medicine and new energy, and promote industry cooperation and innovative development.

Roundtable Forum No.1: Smart Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry

The forum "Smart Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry" was hosted by Li Hui, General Manager of Huiyigu Traditional Chinese Medicine Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. The event was attended by Meng Zhaopeng, former vice president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Li Libin, Technical Director of the Technical Department of the Tianjin Medical Device Quality Supervision and Inspection Center and Secretary-General of the National Medicinal Instrument Standardization Technical Unit of China's State Food and Drug Administration, Cui Tao, Deputy Director of the Quality Management Department of the Tianjin Medical Device Evaluation and Inspection Center, Liu Jing, Researcher of School of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Hebei University of Technology and Director of the Data-driven Industrial Intelligent Engineering Research Center in Hebei Province, Zhang Guangda, General Manager of Shang Pharmaceutical Group, and Tang Shanjiang, Chief Scientist and Partner of Yunhuatang (Tianjin) Traditional Chinese Medicine Technology Co., Ltd.

Everyone spoke freely and discussed the future development and challenges facing the traditional Chinese medicine industry in the era of AI, as well as how to use advanced technologies to promote the development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry. Finally, they reached a consensus to focus on the intelligent transformation of traditional Chinese medicine and improve industry competitiveness, adapt to market demand, and achieve sustainable development. The traditional Chinese medicine industry has a bright future, but also faces many challenges. Governments, enterprises, academia, and other parties need to work together to promote the intelligent upgrading of the traditional Chinese medicine industry

Roundtable Forum No.2: Forum on the Development of New Energy and Information Technology Industry

The Forum on the "Development of New Energy and Information Technology Industry" was hosted by Zhao Tingting, the general manager of Guochang Technology Development (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. Participants included Wang Binkang, vice chairman of the Green Development Association's Green Enterprise Working Committee and industry organization expert, Yang Dafa, chairman of Guoxuan High-tech's Supervisory Board, general manager of Guoxuan High-tech's Energy Storage Center, and a doctor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Liu Shuqi, an expert from the Tianjin Water Resources Survey and Design Institute, Ren Zhong, deputy general manager of Datang Fusion Communications Co., Ltd., Zhang Hongjian, digital director of Xin'ao natural gas Co., Ltd., Yin Wenhou, chief architect of Beijing Lu Kai Zhihang Technology Co., Ltd., Fan Wenqiang, general manager of Shanghai Merchants Chemical Co., Ltd., and Lin Qiang, associate professor of the College of Management and Economics at Tianjin University.

Against the backdrop of carbon neutrality, the development of new energy and information technology industries has become a hot topic for discussion. The guests explored in-depth topics such as green development, energy, and new energy, emphasizing that new energy is a key energy form that is carbon-free, renewable, and storable. They believe that the future development of China cannot be separated from the development of new energy. As an important support for green development, new energy will play an important role in China's future economic and social development, so it is of great significance to engage in related research on new energy. We must continuously promote the sustainable development of new energy through constant technological innovation and application, in order to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality.

Finally, under the host of Gu Chenjun, student of EMBA Grade 2021, alumni representatives Ma Xin, Li Chuntang, Zhang Yang, Guo Yuechao, Mao Hongcheng, Xu Hehe, Liu Zhigang, and Ge Zhihai, as well as students, engaged in a dialogue with the theme "Alumni friendship, discussing change, talking about the future: our past 20 years and the next 20 years". They actively shared their experiences and feelings of studying at TJU, and unanimously believed that they gained rich rewards from their studies at TJU, with significant improvements in their mindset and cognition.

By College of Management and Economics

Editor: Sun Xiaofang