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Opening Ceremony of Education Practice Center of National Facility for Earthquake Engineering Simulation


On May 12, 2023, on the occasion of the 15th National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day, the opening ceremony of the Education Practice Center of National Large-scale Earthquake Engineering Simulation Research Facility (Large-scale Earthquake Facility) was held.

Prof. Han Qinghua, Vice Secretary of the CPC of Tianjin University Committee attended the event.

Prof. Han Qinghua said that the practice center of National Facility for Earthquake Engineering Simulation aims to give full play to the major national science and technology infrastructure on talent training. He encouraged students to work hard and inherit TJU’s spirit of innovation and persistence.

Tianjin University will build a high-quality learning and practice platform for students relying on the Large-scale Earthquake Facility.

Zhu Ran, Deputy Director of the Construction and Management Office of Large-scale Earthquake Facility presented the letter of appointment to the instructors of the education practice center. Zhang Hongyao, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Civil Engineering presented the letter of appointment to 7 student heads and other members.

Gong Ruilin and Yu Yongbo, carried out presentation at the experimental center of the Large-scale Earthquake Facility. They interacted with teachers and students by asking questions such as “What is the maximum wave height that can be created by the wave maker?”. Their explanation was easy to be understood and make the audience feel like they are on the scene, presenting the Large-scale Earthquake Facility’s construction background, the construction process of teachers and students to overcome difficulties and two key “tools” of innovation applied in the facility, the key technical problems which have been broken through, and the working principle of the “artificial earthquake”. After more than ten years of hard work and hundreds of demonstrations, the project team has overcome technical and engineering problem one after another, and achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields. From the presentation, the teachers and students could feel the mission of TJUers and the spirit of struggle to challenge a new height bravely and the commitment to innovate constantly.

By Ma Ziyu

Editor: Sun Xiaofang