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2023 Fruit Festival at Tianjin University

 Arts and Culture

During the sweet summer, Tianjin University hold 2023 fruit festival.

Let’s take a look at what refreshing fruits we have in this hot summer.


Loquat has the effect of moistening the lung, relieving cough, quenching thirst and harmonizing the stomach.


Orange has high nutritional value, with the effect of clearing heat and resolving phlegm, lowering blood pressure, brightening eyes and promoting diuresis.

Red Fuji Apple

Apple has the effect of regulating intestines and stomach, lowering cholesterol as well as blood pressure, preventing cancer, and losing weight.

BoYang Honeydew Melon

It is in rich nutrition and helps to protect eyesight and enhance resistance.

The sweet fruit contains the deep love of Tianjin University for the students

The Fruit Festival Project of Tianjin University started in 2002 and has gone through 22 years since then. In each spring and autumn, it delivers sweet fruits for students for free and carries out various interesting activities to enrich campus life.

By Chu Jingyi

Editor: Sun Xiaofang