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TJU Unmanned Technology Helps Park Become “Smart”


On June 1, the Multi-Discipline Research Center on Autonomous Vehicles of Tianjin university, together with China Intelligent Connected Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. and 48 other enterprises, launched a "Sea, Land, and Air" themed smart unmanned experience event at the Xiqing Suburban Park. A smart suburban park project promotion meeting was also held at the event and established an innovation and development alliance. Tianjin University's smart unmanned technology will be applied to transform the Xiqing suburban park into a future intelligent and unmanned technology theme park.

During the event, people experienced and learned many smart unmanned technologies. In the sky, a swarm of drones perform spraying tasks and emergency water rescues. On land, unmanned minivans shuttle back and forth to transport tourists, while unmanned vehicles and robot dogs may take orders and deliver food. In the vast bodies of water, unmanned boats roam and unmanned devices conduct water quality monitoring. Tourists can also enjoy driving unmanned off-road vehicles.

As announced during the promotion meeting, the smart suburban park project aims to upgrade the traditional park by constructing a "Sea, Land, Air, and Rail" intelligent unmanned service platform, a park sightseeing transportation platform, and a low-carbon smart energy system. The park is supposed to be equipped with a unmanned minivan fleet, unmanned boats, unmanned logistics and sales facilities, and digital virtual tour guide service.

“Our center’s independently developed technology will serve as the theme park’s ‘brain’ and continuously monitor the operation of all smart unmanned systems in the park. Visitors can see the real-time operation of this ‘brain’ on the park's large display screen,” said Professor Xie Hui, director of Tianjin University's Multi-Discipline Research Center on Autonomous Vehicles at the promotion meeting.

He also introduced the innovation and development alliance’s plan to upgrade the park into China's largest intelligent connected science base.

“After the overall upgrading is completed, tourists will learn more about intelligent connected vehicles through about 24 exhibitions like today and get a better idea of their impact on our daily life.”

According to Prof. Xie, the park will also serve as a youth science promotion base and hold activities like algorithm contests, data information security contests, and youth intelligent design contests to stimulate kids’ curiosity and interest in smart technology.

“Hopefully, we will set a demonstration model for enhancing intelligent experiences in similar domestic parks,” said Xie Hui.

By Eva Yin