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The 13th Artificial Economics Conference held at TJU


Delegates taking photos
The 13th Artificial Economics Conference was held by the College of Management and Economics in Tianjin University (TJU) recently. For the first time, the conference was held by a non-European country. Nearly 60 scholars and representatives from famous universities all around the world attended this conference for further communications of their recent work.
A lecture delivered by Prof. Shu-Heng Chen of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 
Prof. Shu-Heng Chen from National Chengchi University (who also serves as the editor of Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination and the associate editor of Computational Economics) delivered a keynote speech under the name of “Artificial Intelligence and Economics: Finding Ourself in History” during the opening ceremony. In his speech he focused on the likely influence AI will have on the development of economics by introducing some major advances in AI. His conclusion sparked a heated discussion and inspired the audience.
A lecture given by Prof. Xuezhong He of University of Technology Sydney 
The second keynote speech, “Learning and Trading in Limit Order Markets” was delivered by Prof. Xuezhong He, who comes from the University of Technology Sydney and serves as the editor of Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. He introduced his research on investor learning, high-frequency trading, and information dissemination by using agent-based modeling. His unique perspectives and deliberate designs set a good example for young researchers.
Li Xiao, young scholar from Nankai University 
Xu Kewei, Ph.D. candidate of Tianjin University
Six sessions were held following the opening ceremony with the topics of “Behavioral and Experimental Economics”, “Game, Network and Equilibrium”, “Market Dynamics”, “Agent-based Modeling”, “Stylized Facts” and “Chinese Stock Market” respectively. Scholars from Tsinghua University, Hong Kong University Science & Technology, Nanyang Technological University, Tianjin University, Nankai University, Wuhan University, Beijing Normal University, Nanjing University, Sun Yat-sen University, etc. made presentations on their research and answered questions from other researchers. Prof. Shu-Heng Chen, Prof. Xuezhong He, and Prof. Wei Zhang offered advice on how to improve the work.
Prof. Zhang Wei, Director of Management and Economics, Tianjin University
During the closing ceremony, Prof. Wei Zhang, the dean of the College of Management and Economics expressed gratitude to the conference staff and praised the research achievements of all the scholars attending the conference. He emphasized that this is a successful conference and all the research shown were impressively interesting and had reached high standards from academic perspectives. He sincerely hoped that the young researchers can make greater contributions to the construction and development of economic theory in the near future and wished all scholars a wonderful trip in Tianjin.
 Prof. Zhang Wei, Chairman of the Conference, together with two keynote speakers Prof. Shu-Heng Chen and Prof. Xuezhong He 
By: Li Yi
Editors: Yin Shiyu, Qin Mian and Keith Harrington