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Tianjin University 2018 Overseas Alumni Forum


Between July 12-14, 2018, some well-known overseas alumni representatives of Tianjin University (TJU) were invited to participate in a Conference on Overseas Chinese Pioneering and Developing in Tianjin China and Chinese Project and Commodity Expo of World Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs in 2018. They provided suggestions on such major national strategies as the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development, the “Belt and Road” construction, innovation-driven development, and the construction of free trade pilot zones, and shared scientific and technological innovation projects and conducted roadshows.

On July 15, 2018, “Tianjin University 2018 Overseas Alumni Forum”, with the theme of “building a community of shared future for global TJU alumni and helping the alma mater become a world-class university”, was held in the multi-function hall of Zheng Dong Library of Peiyangyuan Campus, Tianjin University.

Zhang Fengbao, Vice President of TJU, gave a welcoming speech and illuminated TJU development to all attendees including overseas alumni representatives and directors from relevant departments of Tianjin University. The conference was presided over by Pan Feng, Secretary-General of the alumni association.

In his speech, Zhang Fengbao said that last year the university held the 10th Party Congress clarifying the development strategy of “new three steps” and proposing to adhere to the “Five Consistencies”, deepen the "Five Reforms", and build the "Five First-Class", which opened up a new journey of building a world-class Chinese style university combined with  the great character of TJU. He detailed the “new three-step” development strategy and the development pattern of “strengthening engineering, deepening science, vitalizing liberal arts and promoting medicine”, and briefed the audience on school personnel training, scientific research, teacher and discipline construction and campus construction, among other things. He thanked the alumni for their long-term concern and support for the school development and hoped that everyone would put forward specific and feasible suggestions for the construction of a world-class university.

In order to appreciate the alumni representatives who had returned to TJU, the alumni association commended them at the meeting and issued certificates to all alumni present.

Tianjin University alumni gave a presentation on their career development, looked back upon their studying time at TJU, and thanked the school for cultivating and influencing them. Through the introduction of the school leaders, they learned about the earth-shaking changes in TJU in recent years and have full confidence in the TJU’s construction of becoming a world-class university. Alumni unanimously stated that they will combine their own strengths to support the development of their alma mater. The meeting was filled with their earnest love toward TJU.

After the meeting, alumni representatives were shown around the model table of the construction of the Peiyangyuan Campus, the Zheng Dong Library and the “Alumni Culture” landscape belt.


By: Ma Zhuo
Editors: Sun Xiaofang and Ross Colquhoun