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Regional Winners of the International VELUX Award 2018 is Announced


Recently, a jury of renowned architects have elected nine regional winners of the international VELUX Award 2018 after two days of deliberations. The winners were elected from over 600 daylight projects submitted by students from 250 different schools of architecture in 58 countries.

“Road to Light” by Yuhan Luo, Di Lan, Yuan Liu and Yusong Liu (tutored by Shanchao Xin and Delong Sun) from School of Architecture, Tianjin University in China, won the first prize of the Asian and Oceania area in the ‘Daylight Investigations’ category. In addition, Qingdao University of Technology won the first prize of the Asian and Oceania area in the ‘Daylight in Buildings’ category.

All prize winners have been informed. Representatives from each team will be given a trip to Amsterdam and tickets to the World Architecture Festival in November where they will present their projects in front of, and get feedback directly from, the renowned architects of the jury. Here, two Global winners, who will win the grand prize of €5000, will be selected.

“Road to Light”

The International VELUX Award is one of the world's highest student architectural design competitions. Every second year since 2004, the VELUX Group has invited students of architecture to participate in the International VELUX Award. The award seeks to challenge the students to explore the role of daylight in architecture and inspire new thinking.

International VELUX Award 2018 is arranged in close collaboration with the International Union of Architects (UIA) and acknowledged by the following educational organizations: The European Association for Architectural Education, The American Institute of Architecture Students, the Architectural Research Centers Consortium, and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture.

The jury, consisting of internationally respected architects Carme Pigem Barceló founding partner of RCR Architects (ES), Li Hu, founding partner of OPEN architecture (CH), Rick Joy, principal of Rick Joy Architects (US) and Sa?a Begovi?, founding partner of 3LHD Architects (HR) and vice president of VELUX Innovation Centre, Martin Pors Jepsen.

By: School of Architecture

Editor: Qin Mian