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Tianjin International Joint Research and Development Center for Process Imaging and Measurement Established at Tianjin University


From August 12 to 15, 2018, the International Workshop on Multiphase Flow Imaging and Measurement was held at Tianjin University. During the workshop, the Tianjin International Joint Research and Development Center for Process Imaging and Measurement was established. 

Wang Chengshan, Dean of the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, and Cui Zhenping, Vice Dean of the Office of Science and Technology addressed the ceremony. Dean Wang also issued certificates to the academic committee members from home and abroad. Renowned experts and scholars in the field of complex process imaging from China, Germany, Japan, Norway, and the United Kingdom were invited to discuss and exchanged views in the form of keynote lectures, seminars, and field research. They focused on key theory and technology of new imaging measurement technology, including electricity, ultrasound and rayon electrical, ultrasonic and ray in multiphase flow monitoring. 

During the meeting, Professor Uwe Hampel from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) , Professor Geir Anton Johansen from the University of Bergen in Norway, Professor Masahiro Takei from the Chiba University in Japan and Dr. Jia Jiabin from the University of Edinburgh gave lectures to describe the latest international research trends in this field. In addition,, Professor Xu Chuanlong from the Southeast University, Professor Yao Jun from the China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Associate Professor Sun Jiangtao from the Beihang University, and Associate Professor Xing Lanchang from the China University of Petroleum (East China) were invited to give special reports. 

During the event, related experts and scholars visited the Tianjin University History Museum, the Tianjin Industry 4.0 Intelligent Manufacturing Integrated Operation Platform, the Tianjin Key Laboratory of Process Measurement and Control, the State Key Laboratory of Engines of Tianjin University, the Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Low-Medium Temperature Energy (Tianjin University), Ministry of Education and other laboratories. 

Teachers and students majoring in testing technologies and automation devices in Tianjin University discussed and exchanged views with experts and scholars on the frontier issues in the field of multiphase flow imaging and measurement. Under the guidance of the Academic Committee, a future strategic roadmap for the development of the International Joint Research Center was formulated.
By: Li Yanqi
Editors: Sun Xiaofang and Ross Colquhoun