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Tianjin University Develops a 4000-meter Deep-sea Autonomous Drifting Profiler “Fu Xing”


Tianjin University’s Qingdao Institute for Ocean Engineering: Breakthrough with an independently-developed 4000-meter Deep-sea autonomous drifting profiler “Fu Xing”.

Recently, the 4000-meter Deep-sea autonomous drifting profiler “Fu Xing” which was independently developed by the Tianjin University team at the Qingdao Institute for Ocean Engineering operated in waters nearly 4000 meters deep in the northern part of the South China Sea.

By August 8, 2018, the device had continuously run 26 profiles, with a maximum dive depth of 3550.3m and with a 99.9% success rate for data transmission.

The “Fu Xing” team is led by Professor Li Xingfei from the Tianjin University Qingdao Institute for Ocean Engineering. The device is an underwater mobile observation platform, which autonomously adjust its buoyancy. The profile of the marine environment can be observed using different types of sensors, such as CTD, dissolved oxygen and ADCP. The success of this sea trial further verified the feasibility and reliability of key technologies such as the buoyancy-drive and pressure-resistant design of 4000-meter deep-sea submersibles and indicates that China has taken a crucial step on the practical road of developing a 4000-meter Deep-sea autonomous drifting profiler.

By: Sun Yuwei
Editors: Sun Xiaofang and Ross Colquhoun