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Welcoming Ceremony for the 2018 Graduate Newcomers


Welcoming ceremony at the Peiyangyuan Campus 

Welcoming ceremony held in the New Stadium at the Weijin Road Campus. 

New comers singing the school anthem 

On the afternoon of September 7, 2018, Tianjin University held the welcoming ceremony for newly admitted postgraduates at Qiushi Hall at the Peiyangyuan Campus and New Stadium at the Weijin Road Campus at the same time. The ceremony was hosted by the Vice President Wang Shuxin, together with many of the TJU administrate leaders and faculty members who greeted a total number of 7189 postgraduate first year students.  

President Zhong Denghua delivered a speech. 

The President of TJU and Academician of the China Engineering Academy, Zhong Denghua gave a welcoming speech on the theme: “Be truth-seeking and capable TJU students”. 

“You are a generation that will advance together with the new era, having a broad scope for development, and carrying a great mission of the times. This era calls for young people with ideals, skills, and responsibilities to serve and to develop the country and to assume the historical mission of building an innovative nation.” Zhong Denghua particularly emphasized that study at the postgraduate phase is important for academic research and technological innovation. For graduate students, true learning is not only the knowledge found in books, but also requires internalization of the spiritual pursuit of exploring the truth and thinking independently. True skill needs to be repeatedly honed in practice. It is the solid cornerstone of the learning journey. He hoped that the postgraduate students will seek truth and practice their skills during their studies. In the process of seeking truth and practicing true skills, he hoped everyone will have a rigorous and serious attitude in the pursuit of innovation. A rigorous attitude is a consistent principle in TJU’s governance, teaching and study. The founder Sheng Xuanhuai advocated "an elite developed from rigorous study". The former President Shi Shaoxi, put forward the "double strictness" guideline in the governance of the University. The supervisor of Academician Wang Jingkang was strict with her when she was a student. Our reputed alumnus He Yu often said that the key to avoid risk is thoroughly understand the technology.... more than 100 years has passed, the name of our university has changed from Peiyang University to Tianjin University. However, TJU people’s rigorous attitude has been imprinted in their notes, practiced in their scientific research projects and has long penetrated into their blood. 

Only with perseverance can we have the opportunity to reach the peak of science. The most important thing in engaging in scientific research is to persevere against any difficulty. In order to do well in an experiment, the newly graduated Ph.D. Zhang Yinyu went in early and came back at dusk, consulted the literature and data, repeatedly revised the experimental plan, and had broken nearly 40,000 test samples with a tensile machine. There is no doubt that what sustains these young scientists and technicians is the love of scientific research. Zhong Denghua hoped that the students will not be afraid of the hardships in scientific research and strive to climb the scientific peak. 

Commitment to innovation is the pursuit of TJU people. Innovation carries the spirit of the times. Zhong Denghua’s speech focused on the country's major strategic needs, the frontiers of world science and technology development, innovation, training innovative thinking, and enhancing innovation capabilities. Only in this way can we erect the pillars of the country. 

“Seeking truth and learning true skills” is a challenge for young students and it is the opportunity given by the times. Zhong Denghua hopes that everyone will cherish their time of study, bear in mind the historical mission, study with a rigorous and serious attitude and perseverance, pursue innovation, seek truth in learning, practice the true skills in practice, and win glory for the country and benefit the people.  

Professor Hu Qinghua spoke as supervisor representative 

Professor Hu Qinghua from the School of Computer Science and Technology spoke as a representative for the supervisors. In his speech, he hoped that graduate students will shoulder the responsibility of innovation for the country and at the same time, become research explorers of “happiness, fashion and international style.” In his view, only by solving challenging problems can we achieve greater self-realization and gain deeper and lasting happiness. Those who engage in research discover new laws, invent new technologies, promote the development of society, ride the waves of our days and are the most fashionable people. Today's scientific research is more open, and scientific research exchange and cooperation have become more and more international. It is difficult for researchers without a global vision to obtain worldwide academic influence. 

Zhao Yunlong delivers a speech on behalf of the new students. 

Zhao Yunlong, a postgraduate student from the School of Mechanical Engineering, gave a speech. Born into poverty, he was the only one to be admitted into a university, and included into the “985” project, from his village that year. Moreover, he finished his 4-year undergraduate studies with excellent work through taking a part-time job while studying. That has given him the spirit of self-improvement and self-motivation. After graduating from undergraduate education, he has been a teaching volunteer for one year, transforming from a dreamer to a practitioner for his love for homeland. 

The welcoming ceremony ended to the sound of all the new graduate students singing the University Anthem. 

By: Qiu Ya
Editors: Sun Xiaofang and Ross Colquhoun