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Free Tents for First Years’ Parents at TJU


On September 5, on the first day of admission, TJU provided free tents for parents and has done so for the past 7 years. As usual there were a great number of colorful tents for first year’ s parents pitched in the gym of Peiyangyuan Campus at Tianjin University. 


“More than 600 tents are pitched by teachers and students over three days. Power supplies, air conditioners, showers and water dispensers are enough for them all”, said Long Runyue, a student from the School of Computer Software. At the door of the gym, there were six students checking parents in, guiding them to the allocated tents and explaining the infrastructure of the gym. “24 hours on duty, we are always here”, said Han Qiyue, chairman of the Peiyang New Media Center, “so that parents can check in no matter how late it is”. 

“How did you learn about the tents”, asked the reporter. “On Internet before we came”, one parent said. Before welcoming the first year students, information about the tents was made available to parents through WeChat, Weibo and other platforms, which eased the worries of parents about where to stay. 

“We wanted to be here to witness the moment of our daughter entering into the university”, a student’s mother said, “and the tent saved us a lot of trouble”. 

Besides the tents, especially for the parents, free water dispensers were everywhere. There was a moisture-proof pad placed in every tent. Guides also showed the whereabouts of power supplies, toilets and bathrooms for the parents and patiently taught them how to adjust the temperature of the air conditioners. 

“We arrived last night”, a parent from Inner Mongolia said, “Hotel rooms were not available so the tent is quite convenient”. When asked if the process was simple, one parent, shaking his hands said, “It was so easy, just a normal procedure. Filling in a form was OK and the infrastructure is fine”. In the Tailei Square where first years registered, parents could check in for free only needing a check-in certificate.  

Most of the parents living in the tents were from places far from Tianjin and having to spend a long time going home. Thanks to the free tents, they could arrange their journey as they pleased. But there were some parents living near Tianjin choosing to live in the tents. “It only took one hour for us to come to Tianjin by train”, a parent from Langfang, Hebei Province said. “By taking advantage of staying at the university, we can travel around Tianjin and visit the places where my child will study and live, so living here is a good choice!”
By: Wei Lan
Editors: Sun Xiaofang and Ross Colquhoun