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The 14th Joint Conference on Harmonious Human Machine Environment


From September 13 to 16, the 14th Joint Conference on Harmonious Human Machine Environment (HHME 2018) held in Tianjin was a resounding success. This joint conference consisted of the 14th China Human Computer Interaction Conference (CHCI 2018), the 14th Pervasive Computing Conference (PCC 2018), the 8th China Wearable Computing Conference (CWCC 2018) and the 5th China International Forum on Smart Wearable Technology and Industry. The China Big Data Analysis and Visualization Forum was held concurrently.  

This conference was hosted by the China Computer Federation (CCF), and co-sponsored by the CCF Human Computer Interaction, the CCF Pervasive Computing and Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM SIGCHI) China Chapter, the Chinese Association of Automation Computer Graphics and Human Computer Interaction and the China Society of Image and Graphics Human-Computer Interaction. Tianjin University served as its main organizer, Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA), Tianjin Hi-Tech Area, Tianjin Tech Fantasy Ltd. and Tianjin Hi-Tech Enterprise Association co-organized to facilitate this conference. Academician Wu Zhaohui, Researcher Dai Guozhong and Professor Li Keqiu were the honorary chairmen of this conference. 

At the opening ceremony of the 5th China International Forum on Smart Wearable Technology and Industry on September 13, enlightened speeches were given by Otthein Herzog, Member of German National Academy of Science and Engineering, Academician Yu Mengsun of the Aeromedicine Institute of the People's Liberation Army of China, Professor Zhang Yuanting from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Dr. Thad Starner, Technical Lead on Google Glass Project, Ye Zhongcuo, the Deputy Mayor of Binhai New District in Tianjin, and Shan Zefeng, the Party Secretary of the Working Committee as well as the Director of the Administrative Committee of Tianjin Hi-Tech Area, among others. Over 300 guests and experts were present at this meeting.  

The opening ceremony of HHME2018 was held on the morning of September 15. Over 300 experts and professors attended the ceremony. 

During the 3-day conference, animated and lively discussions were spurred by the experts in the form of oral reports and exhibited posters. At the same time, 10 more forums were held on schedule for the attendees to exchange ideas to spark intelligent debate. This conference was conducive to the development of studies and subjects in the fields of Harmonious Human Machine Environment and Artificial Intelligence.
By: Ji Linghui, Deng Xiaoxuan
Editors: Sun Xiaofang and Ross Colquhoun