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Ceremony held to Welcome Chemical Engineering Freshmen


Recently, the School of Chemical Engineering and Technology of Tianjin University held the 2018 New Students Opening Ceremony. Shan Xiuli, Chief Engineer of Hualu Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. and National Engineering Survey and Design Master; Wang Zhi, Party Secretary of the School; Ma Xinbin, Dean of the School; Xia Shuqian, Vice President of the School; Gao Xudong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, with tutors of undergraduates from 2018 classes and related responsible teachers, attended the ceremony, more than 1,400 undergraduates, masters and doctors from 2018 classes in total.

Teacher representative Zhang Yumiao shared his experience and understanding with 2018 freshmen from three aspects: improving professional skills, being proactive and resilient, and being a temperature-conscious person. He also gave advice on how to grow up to undergraduates, masters, doctors and international students respectively combined with his own study experience.

Distinguished alumnus representative Shan Xiuli, Chief Engineer of Hualu Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., shared her personal experience and feelings, and proposed to everyone to become a learning-style person who is always persistent and grateful. She also encouraged that "the brilliance of life must be written by yourself".

The representative of senior students Liu Yanan, a 2015 PhD, shared her own learning experience with freshmen and encouraged them to bear in mind the school motto of “seeking truth from facts”. She also suggested them to set a great ambition, seek truth and train practical skills.

The freshman representative of 2018 undergraduate Liu Bomei shared her experience in entering the School. She believed that revitalizing the chemical industry was everyone’s responsibility. What’s more, she told people that she would set college motto "pursue excellence, unite and forge ahead, strive for innovation, and strive for self-improvement" as her own standard and behaved strictly according to it.

On behalf of Equatorial Guinea Mousse, the international student expressed his appreciation for the beautiful scenery and complete infrastructure in Tianjin University, and expressed gratitude to the school for granting scholarships to help the economically disadvantaged students.

Ma Xinbin, Dean of the School, delivered a speech. He welcomed everyone to join the school and explained chemical spirit and chemical sentiment, starting from talking about the history of chemical industry. He hoped that everyone would always focus on educating people and facing the needs of our country. He also suggested people to accomplish their missions that they would focus on the frontiers of science and technology, keep committed to industrial innovation, always serve the country and the people's livelihood, and become top talents.

By: Turing & Tao Weijing, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology

Editor: Qin Mian