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"Chinese Cooking Masters into the Canteen" Activity at Peiyangyuan Campus


On the morning of September 18, 2018, at the invitation of Peiyangyuan Campus Canteen Management Office, National Senior Chef Bai Qinghua, Secretary-General of the Tianjin Restaurant Association Guo Yilong, and Head Chef of Kiessling Song Linyu came to the Qingyuan Restaurant at Tianjin University to provide guidance to improve the dietary level of the university.

Cooking Master Bai Qinghua, a national first-class judge of the catering industry, is proficient in Chinese cooking, winning numerous awards in the industry. After 1985, he served as full-time director and lecturer of cooking at the Tianjin Cuisine Association, and he has trained a large number of chefs and military students for many enterprises, military corps and restaurants in Tianjin. Later, he was hired as a special correspondent for a program on Tianjin Television, "Friends of the Audience", to make demonstration dishes for the general public every week on TV, which proved to be popular.

At noon of the same day, Master Bai Qinghua came to the kitchen to teach the cooking skills of "quick-fried croaker", a famous traditional dish in Tianjin. Master Bai explained each operation step in detail, from the materials required, to the processing of the ingredients, the elaboration of knife handling and the mastery of the heat and demonstrated the cutting of fish slices personally. Under the guidance of Master Bai, the quick-fried croaker was cooked, and teachers and students were invited to taste it together. They all enjoyed it and gave Master Bai a thumbs-up.

Wang Mengbin, Deputy Director of Logistics Department, said, the “Cooking Masters into the College Canteens” activity not only promotes the excellent traditional food culture of Tianjin but also enriches the campus catering life. More importantly, thanks to it, the canteen staff of Tianjin University can broaden their horizons and experience the master chefs’ professional cooking technology, dedicated working attitude and love for their work. This activity will certainly play a positive and have a far-reaching impact on leading the food culture and spirit of Tianjin University.

Canteen Management Office will continue to expand services , deepen the service concept, and inject new impetus into the improvement of the dietary level of the university.
By: Li Yue
Editors: Sun Xiaofang and Ross Colquhoun