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Development of Vocational Education for the New Era


On Sept 15th to 17th, the 2018 Beijing Humboldt Education Conference New Age Vocational and Technical Education Development Seminar was held jointly by the Tianjin University Education College, the Tongji University Vocational and Technical Education College, and Zhejiang University of Technology’s China Vocational Education Development and Evaluation Institute. More than 100 people from over 20 enterprises participated in this meeting, including Member of the Party Group of China Vocational Education Association, Deputy Director General Yang Nong, Secretary General of the National Education Advisory Committee, and former Director of the Education Development Research Center of the Ministry of Education. Yan Guangfen, dean of Tianjin University’s School of Education of, Pan Haisheng, deputy dean, and several teachers and students attended the meeting.

The conference focused on the development concept, strategy and practice of vocational and technical education against the background of new technology. The practice explored five areas and a total of 23 experts and scholars spoke on various topics including: the new era of vocational education, the logic of vocational education development, vocational education, education and education integration, the vocational education system, vocational education internationalization and five vocational education practice exploration sections.

Yan Guangfen, Dean of Tianjin University’s School of Education presided over the discussion on the logic of the development of vocational education. Pan Haisheng, deputy dean of the School of Education of Tianjin University, gave a keynote speech “on the framework analysis of the policy of production and education integration against the background of the new economy and new technology in the integration of vocational education and education.”, The Beijing Humboldt Education Forum is jointly developed by the German Humboldt Foundation and the University of International Business and Economics and is approved by the International Cooperation and Exchange Division of the Ministry of Education. In 2017, a theme conference was held - Beijing Humboldt Education Conference, and the Vocational Education Forum was established in 2018.

By: School of Education

Editor: Qin Mian and Keith Harrington