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Inaugural Meeting of the Graduate Education Research Center of Tianjin University Successfully Held


On September 26th, 2018, the "New Era and New Trend Forum for Postgraduate Education Reform and Development and Inaugural Meeting of the Tianjin University Graduate Education Research Center" jointly sponsored by Tianjin University’s Education College and Tianjin University’s Graduate School was successfully held at Tianjin University Beiyangyuan Campus. Wang Lisheng, former director of the Degree and Graduate Education Development Center of the Ministry of Education, Bai Haili, deputy director of the Tianjin Education Commission, director of the Tianjin Academic Degree Office, and Liu Ning, assistant to the president of Tianjin University, attended the conference. More than 120 people participated in the conference.  

The session was divided into four main sections: the opening ceremony, the theme report of the conference, the development seminar of the Graduate Education Research Center and the Forum of Young Scholars. The theme report of the conference was presided over by Professor Yan Guangfen, Dean of the School of Education of Tianjin University. Director Wang Lisheng of Tianjin University Graduate Education Research Center first gave a speech entitled “The New Mission of China's Graduate Education Research in the New Era”. Theoretical researchers provide decision-making and support and contribute to the realization of China's transition from a postgraduate education power to a graduate education power. Subsequently, scholars conducted a special report. 

The third phase of the Tianjin University Graduate Education Research Center Development Seminar was hosted by the new Director Wang Lisheng. The experts from the conference jointly contributed ideas and suggestions for the future development of the research center, contributing wisdom, providing experience and a warm atmosphere. 

The last session was presided over by Vice President Pan Haisheng of the School of Education of Tianjin University. Nine young talents in the field of postgraduate education gave speeches on key issues such as discipline construction, postgraduate education orientation, curriculum construction, personnel training, and employment. 

Finally, Vice President Pan Haisheng summed up the forum and fully affirmed that the experts and scholars from different perspectives have enriched the development of graduate education disciplines, presenting the possibilities of graduate education research in the future, and hopes that the future graduate students of Tianjin University’s Education Research Center can become an open platform, a shared platform, a platform for cooperation, and once again thanked all experts and scholars for their guidance. All experts and scholars have fully affirmed and highly praised the value of the session. The forum has been a complete success! 

By: School of Education

Editor: Qin Mian and Keith Harrington