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Li Shuai: A Life full of Possibilities


"The process of conducting experiments makes a person mature, because it requires patience and good mental health. Confronted with failures, people’s ability to tackle frustration and obstacles is improved. We become tough in mind and spirit."

Scientific research is not the whole of Li’s life. In his spare time, he devotes himself to volunteer work and public welfare activities.

He cares not only about local students, but also other people in society. He has been chairman of the Student Service Center in the School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, the director of the Fruit Engineering Committee, the president of the Peiyang Business Management Committee, and a volunteer of the Tianjin cultural center city and so on.

"I have been very interested in public welfare.” Li feels blessed every time he meets somebody that he has helped. “There is an old saying in China, Send the gift of a rose, and the fragrance lingers on the hands.” The sense of fulfillment aroused when seeing people benefit from my help is the motivation and fun for me to always stick to public welfare undertakings."

“An uncut gem does not sparkle. People do not learn, do not know.”

Looking back on his four years of college life, Li summed it up as “an orderly process". The secret of his good balance between study and activities is trade-offs.

"In life and study, you should first make it clear what you want. For example, I have a bottom line for my grades. As long as I don't fall below that, I can get engaged in some other activities. I have been preparing for the postgraduate recommendation since my freshman year, so the lowest ranking to qualify myself for that is my bottom line." And this bottom line also helps Li plan his life and balance his learning and other activities, so that every day of his four years is valuable.

"Studying hard is not only about enriching yourself and improving your ability, but also about creating more choices for yourself." To create infinite possibilities for himself is what Li has been unremittingly pursuing.

As for his advice to the juniors, Li Shuai, who is about to embark on a new journey in life, was silent for a long time, and then said solemnly: "May you take full advantage of four years of college, with a future to go to and years to remember."

By Song Shuang

Editors: Yin Wei & Doris Harrington & Ge Jingwen