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NXP Senior VP Zheng Li Lectures at Peiyang Lecture Hall


On October 12, Zheng Li, NXP's senior vice-president and Greater China president, gave a lecture, “Trends and Learning Methods of Chip Application Technology in the IOT Artificial Intelligence Era” at Peiyang Lecture Hall. The lecture attracted more than 400 TJU staff and students. 

The lecture focused on how for engineers and technicians rapidly adapt to the transformation of working and learning methods resulting from scientific and technological development in the new era in regard to “analyzing technological trends in the AI and IOT era from the perspective of chips”, “transforming learning methods of new engineers in the AI era”, and “meeting singular points of AI through deep practice”. 


Before the lecture, Zheng Li, accompanied by Shan Xiaolin, Party Secretary of Qiushi Honors College, participated in a symposium with the newly enrolled engineering experimental class students. Mr. Zheng patiently answered their questions about the university-enterprise joint teaching model, professional training objectives and professional competitiveness development. He pointed out, that while the new engineering class inclines towards AI and IOT, characterized by both software and hardware knowledge training NXP would provide students with abundant internship opportunities at home and abroad. Zheng hoped that students would continuously enhance their professional qualities and dedicate themselves to China’s AI industry under the guidance of TJU’s motto - Seeking Truth from Facts. Shan Xiaolin thanked NXP for its support in talent cultivation for the Qiushi Honors College and hoped to strengthen the cooperation with NXP and jointly explore the improvement of student training mechanisms.      

After the symposium, TJU Vice President Hu Wenping met with Zheng Li and the NXP delegation and expressed his warm appreciation of Zheng’s visit. At the same time, he explained the administrative model of Qiushi Honors College, which gained recognition from experts during the recent undergraduate teaching evaluation. Mr. Zheng expressed thanks for the cooperative foundation of the emerging engineering experimental class, spoke highly of the administrative model of TJU and gave a brief outline of the technological applications of NXP. Both sides exchanged views about microelectronics cutting-edge technology and talent cultivation in the new engineering experimental class. Consequently, Vice President Hu issued an appointment letter to Zheng Li as an Adjunct Professor.  

By: Wang Hang, Jin Chunyan
Editors: Sun Xiaofang and Ross Colquhoun