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A Bite of TJU at the Food Festival

 Arts and Culture

The TJU Logistics Department and the Zhong Kuai Catering Company held the Second Canteen Food Festival at Peiyangyuan Campus on October 17, aiming to enhance communication between students and dining hall staff as well as improve the service of the canteen. Four national super-level chefs and sixteen national high-level chefs from the company were specially invited to prepare the food. More than 50 kinds of specialties with Zhong Kuai characteristics and cakes of both western and eastern styles, some of them sculptured artistically, were served for free to faculty and students. The activity attracted more than 8,000 students and teachers as a whole and was well received. 

A ten-meter-long cake was specially ordered for around 7,000 people to taste, evoking the atmosphere of the Food Festival.  

On that day, Canteen No. 4 enjoyed the most popularity among all other canteens at Peiyangyuan Campus. Led by the canteen staff, some students got food in tasting area, while others took photos of the specialties exhibition and food sculpture area. From 11am to 1pm, the canteen was crowded with people, and many of them shared the joyful moments on WeChat when waiting in line. Li, a student from the School of Science, remarked, “it is like the Spring Festival, for I can eat those delicacies for free and at last have a full stomach.” 

As a featured activity of the Logistics Department, the Canteen Food Festival was warmly welcomed by both faculty and students, which also improved diet service quality, and helped to cultivate an active, positive and civilized campus atmosphere. Logistics Department staff indicated that it is through activities they hold with faculty and students that they constantly improve their management and service, striving to provide the faculty and students with the best service. The Director of the Logistics Department, Shang Yuguang, expressed the determination of the whole staff to provide whole-hearted service for all Tianjin University people, and he thought the Food Festival not only enriched campus life but also established a platform for them to participate in the management of the Logistics Department and to learn about their staff as well as their work. Also, he expressed appreciation for the constant contributions the Company has made over the last decade. Liu Fuchuan, Director of the Company, pledged that the Company would continue to improve service and hold more activities so as to better serve all the faculty and students.
By: Li Dong
Editors: Sun Xiaofang and Ross Colquhoun