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RMIT University Delegation visited the School of Mechanical Engineering


On the morning of October 19, 2018, Prof. Adrian Mourtz, the Executive Dean of the School of Engineering of RMIT University, Prof. Reza Jazar, the Associate Dean of the Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Mr. Wang Xu, the Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering and Director of Advanced Automotive Manufacturing Joint Research Centre, and Grace Dong from Melbourne Office Tianjin have visited the School of Mechanical Engineering of Tianjin University. Professor Jiao Kui and Professor Cao Shuqian, Vice Deans of the School of Mechanical Engineering, met with the distinguished guests, accompanied by directors of undergraduate programs of our School. Working meetings were then held and in-depth exchanges have been made in terms of the 2+2 joint training program for undergraduate students, the progress of the joint research center and other aspects of international cooperation.

Firstly, on behalf of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Professor Jiao Kui has given a welcome speech and introduced the guests. Liang Qian, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, have introduced the School of Mechanical Engineering in aspects of subject ranking, disciplines, student education, scientific research and international cooperation. Later, taking the history of RMIT University as a starting point, Prof. Adrian Mourtz has presented a detailed overview of the School of Engineering of RMIT University and the current situation of its international exchanges.

In addition, both sides have conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the 2+2 joint training program for undergraduate students. Through thorough communication on the modes of project implementation, project cost, scholarship, graduation design, course and time matching issues, the next round of work plan has been determined by the two sides. By the end of October, the final review of the course details will be conducted by the Chinese side; in the mid-November, all questions will be answered by the Australian side; by the end of November, the final agreement document will be completed. Prof. Wang Xu indicated that RMIT University could send teachers for the teaching tasks of short-term courses in our school so that the seamless connection will be ensured between the two years at home and abroad respectively. In the early days in Australia, language training will also be carried out to promote the implementation of this project. According to Professor Jiao Kui, in addition to the 2+2 joint training program for undergraduate students, it is hoped that the two sides will conduct short-term exchanges of mutual visits and joint training of doctoral students. As this proposal has received foreign support, the two sides finally agreed that the short-term exchange programs for undergraduates will be arranged at summer days of 2019 and free transportation and curriculum arrangements will be provided by Australia side.

Then, Professor Bi Fengrong from the Department of Energy and Power Engineering of our School has reported on the progress of the Joint Research Center of Advanced Automotive Technology Between Tianjin University and RMIT University, explaining the progress of the project and the problems faced. According to Professor Bi Fengrong, fruitful results has been yielded in this bilateral cooperation, numerous papers and patents haven been published, and there will be broad prospects for development in the future. However, the number of students in joint research centers is limited, and the shortage of manpower is prominent. RMIT University proposed that Ph.D. students participating in the Joint Research Center will receive full support from Australian side, who has initiated a preferential policy of two-year tuition waiver, hoping to attract more students from Tianjin University to participate in joint research and common development.

Finally, the two sides presented gifts to each other and took photos together in front of the School of Mechanical Engineering.

By: School of Mechanical Engineering

Editor: Qin Mian and Keith Harrington